5 Effective Methods to Ensure Your Internet and Information Security!


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013

Protecting against cyber attacks and ensuring the security of the internet is of high importance in our lives in order to maintain our internet world, personal data and corporate functioning in a healthy way.


Information security is defined as preventing unauthorized or unauthorized access, use, alteration, disclosure, destruction, alteration and damage of information as a type of entity.

In every aspect of our lives, the internet world has become an indispensable online space. At home, at work, from cafes to restaurants, we may have to use applications and websites to stay connected to the internet and continue our lives. The internet world can help our personal and business lives as well as bring great risks and cause us to suffer material and moral damages.

At this point, we have to take some measures to protect against cyber attacks that may arise, to ensure the security of the internet in order to maintain our internet world, personal data and corporate functioning in a healthy way and to minimize the damages of cyber attacks.

We would like to tell you about 10 effective methods of ensuring internet security in order to benefit from the positive contributions of the internet, which is growing and developing rapidly day by day, in both social and business life and to take measures against negative situations.

1-Protect Your Personal Data!

Thanks to social networks, we share our personal data such as our name, surname, date of birth, interests, as well as in many areas such as the institutions, duties and projects we work with, causing the disclosure of our sensitive data.

When using such networks, sharing more general information instead of sharing many information such as date of birth, relationship status, home address, banking transactions will of course be an important step in the protection of personal data. If we need to share it, restricting access to this information on the respective networks and setting it to "friends only" or "family only" is one of the things that will help protect your privacy. Keep in mind that sharing this and similar sensitive data publicly can reach millions of people you don't know, as well as become a major risk at the hands of cyber attackers.

Let's explain with an example. Would you walk in the middle of the street with a wad of money in your hand? Of course, we do not exhibit such behavior, we keep in mind that as a result of such behavior, we may be the target of thieves or malicious people. However, we can share a photo taken at our house with a bunch of money publicly and by checking in your home address. In fact, the situation is the same, the risk is the same, and you should not forget that when we perform this function in the virtual world, you can be the target of malicious people.


2-Don't Use Simple Passwords

The most important mistake made in the internet world is to use simple passwords or to use one password in the same way on several platforms. This provides a unique opportunity for cyber attackers. We need to think that simple passwords like I love you, 123456, darling, password1 can be cracked very quickly. Such simple passwords will be cracked within a few seconds, leading to unauthorized access to systems or your accounts.

"Simple passwords can be cracked in a matter of seconds thanks to password cracking apps!"

At the same time, keep in mind that we are members of many places on the internet and these platforms can also be hacked. The most important mistake many users make is to use the same password everywhere. No matter how advanced and complex your password is, if you use a password on many platforms, we see that your password can be obtained when one of these platforms is hacked, and even many websites keep passwords in clear text. At this point, we want to emphasize that you should use strong passwords instead of simple passwords and that passwords should be one-time.


3-Check Your Privacy and Security Settings!

As with many social networks, we also have personal data on forums, news sites or applications. These platforms offer us many privacy agreements for us users during member registration, as well as some application settings so that this data can be set correctly.

Before hackers hack a system, they first start collecting information about the people who use that system. The more information they can get about you, the more successful cyber attacks they can perform. Naturally, when using these platforms, you can prevent third parties from accessing or using this data by reading the privacy and security settings as well as reading the privacy and security settings.


4-Think Before You Click on Links

Cybercriminals generally carry out their cyber attacks using URL shortening services. These malicious links can be hidden thanks to URL shortening services. Any link you click without checking can redirect you to a fake bank site, a fake social network, or a fake shopping site. This makes the work of cyber attackers easier and they can bring many people into their networks. As a result of careless clicks, your personal data can be accessed and malicious software can be installed on your computer and taken control by cyber attackers.

At this point, we need to check all the links that come up with URL shortening services. One of the most important factors in providing internet security is not to click on links from people you do not know or do not know, to check the address of a link in the browser status section before clicking it, and if necessary, to examine suspicious links in a controlled way by opening it in an incognito tab.


5-Beware of Public Wi-Fi Areas

Many public Wi-Fi hotspots mean easily obtained information for cyber attackers. We use Wifi in airports, cafes, hospitals and many other places. But keep in mind that cyber attackers can also use these networks, and being on the same network as them carries great risks.

A cyber attacker can obtain the passwords of all users in a public Wi-Fi area in a few seconds, as well as direct you to fake web pages without noticing you and obtain your personal information, passwords, credit card information, etc.

You should remember that sharing your personal data and connecting to corporate networks is risky in such areas. If you need to connect, you can use encrypted communication apps like VPN and Proxy to encrypt your connection and take precautions against cyber attackers.



9 Tem 2022
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