Anonim SMS Nasıl Gönderilir?


11 Eyl 2007
Arkadaşlar Merhaba,
Nette birçok site ve uygulama var çoğunu denedim, çözemedim; deneyip anonim sms gonderebilen bir arkadaş varmidir?
Kolay gelsin.


Yeni üye
10 Şub 2023
There are several websites and services that claim to allow you to send anonymous text messages, however, it is important to note that true anonymity is difficult to achieve and it is also important to consider the legality and ethical implications of sending anonymous messages.

Here are a few methods that are commonly used to send anonymous text messages:

  1. Anonymous messaging apps: Some apps, such as Burner, Hushed, and CoverMe, allow you to create a temporary phone number and send anonymous text messages.
  2. Anonymous Bulk SMS websites: There are several websites, such as SendAnonymousSMS and Anonytext, that allow you to send anonymous text messages by using a fake number.
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