ANSYS Multiphysics 13.0 x86/64 ISO|Final 2011

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ANSYS Multiphysics 13.0 x86/64 ISO|Final 2011 /templates/new/images/468x60_PPS.gif Multiphysics simulation solutions from ANSYS allow engineers and designers to create virtual prototypes of their designs operating under real-wld multiphysics conditions. As the range of need f simulation expands, companies must be able to accurately predict how complex products will behave in real-wld environments - where multiple types of coupled physics interact. Industry-leading software from ANSYS enables engineers and scientists to simulate the interaction between structural mechanics, heat transfer, fluid flow and electromagnetics all within a single, unified engineering simulation environment. ANSYS Multiphysics software offers a comprehensive product solution f both multiphysics and single-physics analysis. The product includes structural, thermal, fluid and both high- and low-frequency electromagnetic analysis. The product also contains solutions f both direct and sequentially coupled physics problems including direct coupled-field elements and the ANSYS multi-field solver. Download Links:-
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