Apple M1


Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021

Have a nice day, TurkHackTeam Family,

The Apple M1 is the first processor that Apple has developed for computers. It was announced for the first time at WWDC 2020 event in June 2020. It has the characteristics of M1, Firestrom, Icestorm. Due to these features, it works more optimally than many Apple brand computers that were previously available for sale.

It is able to run applications compiled for Macbooks with Intel processors using the M1 x86 architecture using the ARM architecture thanks to a software called Rosetta 2. Thanks to this, the M1 job becomes a little easier. Thanks to the SIP structure, the graphics unit is distributed, and the other units are located in a single chip. Thanks to this, intra-computer communication has accelerated. I can tell you this with a simple example. A person puts his thoughts into words using his mouth to talk to a person and conveys them to that person. Of course, since speech is not as fast as the way of thinking, we will be a little longer. But if we communicate our thoughts directly to the other party without a tool, we will communicate faster.


As for performance, if we compare Apple products that have passed the Geekbench 5 tests, we can see that devices using the M1 processor perform better. If we compare the Intel processors and the M1 processor, we can see that the M1 is 10-0 ahead. Now, if you put this chip aside, the Neural Engine unit inside the M1 processor speeds up many artificial intelligence processes. Another beauty is that a Macbook Pro using this chip has a battery life of 20 hours. I personally use a device that has this processor, and I've never had my battery run out even 1 time when I was out. It is claimed to be the longest charging time on Apple's devices until Suan. In addition, we do not need a fan to cool this processor. A lot of performance is increasing, such as game performance. There are a total of 8 cores inside this processor.


Of course, there are good aspects of this processor, as well as bad aspects. In these aspects, what upsets me the most is that we can only use this processor in Apple products. In short, I can say that they have now switched to the production of a computer such as the iPhone.

The products that use this processor are;

MacBook Pro (13 inch, M1, 2020)
MacBook Air (13 inch, M1, 2020)
Mac mini (M1, 2020)

The product I bought in suanda is a MacBook Pro (13 inch, M1, 2020). I can recommend it for daily use.

Have a nice day and stay Happy. :)



Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021
İyi günler TurkHackTeam Ailesi, Apple M1, Apple'ın bilgisayarlar için geliştirdiği ilk işlemcidir. İlk kez Haziran 2020'de WWDC 2020 etkinliğinde duyuruldu. M1, Firestrom, Icestorm özelliklerine sahiptir. Bu özellikleri sayesinde daha önce satışa sunulan birçok Apple marka bilgisayardan daha optimum şekilde çalışmaktadır. Bu sayede M1 işi biraz daha kolaylaşıyor. SIP yapısı sayesinde grafik birimi dağıtılır ve diğer birimler tek bir çipte yer alır. Bu sayede bilgisayar içi iletişim hızlanmıştır. Bunu size basit bir örnekle anlatabilirim. Kişi, bir kişiyle konuşmak için ağzını kullanarak düşüncelerini kelimelere döker ve o kişiye aktarır. Elbette konuşma, düşünme şekli kadar hızlı olmadığı için biraz daha uzun olacağız. Ancak düşüncelerimizi bir araç olmadan doğrudan karşı tarafa iletirsek daha hızlı iletişim kurarız. Performans açısından Geekbench 5 testlerini geçen Apple ürünlerini karşılaştırırsak M1 işlemci kullanan cihazların daha iyi performans gösterdiğini görebiliriz. . Intel işlemciler ile M1 işlemciyi karşılaştırırsak M1'in 10-0 önde olduğunu görebiliriz. Şimdi bu çipi bir kenara koyarsanız M1 işlemcinin içindeki Neural Engine birimi birçok yapay zeka sürecini hızlandırıyor. Bir başka güzelliği de bu çipi kullanan bir Macbook Pro'nun 20 saatlik pil ömrüne sahip olması. Şahsen bu işlemciye sahip bir cihaz kullanıyorum ve pilim bittiği zaman 1 kez bile hiç bitmedi. Apple'ın cihazlarında Suan'a kadar en uzun şarj süresi olduğu iddia ediliyor. Ayrıca bu işlemciyi soğutmak için bir fana ihtiyacımız yok. Oyun performansı gibi bir çok performans artıyor. Bu işlemcinin içinde toplam 8 çekirdek bulunuyor. Bu işlemcinin iyi yönleri olduğu gibi kötü yönleri de var elbette. Bu açılardan beni en çok üzen şey ise bu işlemciyi sadece Apple ürünlerinde kullanabilmemiz. Kısacası artık iPhone gibi bir bilgisayarın üretimine geçtiler diyebilirim. Bu işlemciyi kullanan ürünler; MacBook Pro (13 inç, M1, 2020) MacBook Air (13 inç, M1, 2020) Mac mini (M1, 2020) Suanda'dan aldığım ürün bir MacBook Pro (13 inç, M1, 2020). Günlük kullanım için tavsiye edebilirim. İyi günler ve Mutlu kalın.
Bro what are you doing :) Pls Read : Apple M1 İnceliyelim

'The Wolf

Kıdemli Üye
22 Nis 2021
Tanrı dağı

Have a nice day, TurkHackTeam Family,

The Apple M1 is the first processor that Apple has developed for computers. It was announced for the first time at WWDC 2020 event in June 2020. It has the characteristics of M1, Firestrom, Icestorm. Due to these features, it works more optimally than many Apple brand computers that were previously available for sale.

It is able to run applications compiled for Macbooks with Intel processors using the M1 x86 architecture using the ARM architecture thanks to a software called Rosetta 2. Thanks to this, the M1 job becomes a little easier. Thanks to the SIP structure, the graphics unit is distributed, and the other units are located in a single chip. Thanks to this, intra-computer communication has accelerated. I can tell you this with a simple example. A person puts his thoughts into words using his mouth to talk to a person and conveys them to that person. Of course, since speech is not as fast as the way of thinking, we will be a little longer. But if we communicate our thoughts directly to the other party without a tool, we will communicate faster.


As for performance, if we compare Apple products that have passed the Geekbench 5 tests, we can see that devices using the M1 processor perform better. If we compare the Intel processors and the M1 processor, we can see that the M1 is 10-0 ahead. Now, if you put this chip aside, the Neural Engine unit inside the M1 processor speeds up many artificial intelligence processes. Another beauty is that a Macbook Pro using this chip has a battery life of 20 hours. I personally use a device that has this processor, and I've never had my battery run out even 1 time when I was out. It is claimed to be the longest charging time on Apple's devices until Suan. In addition, we do not need a fan to cool this processor. A lot of performance is increasing, such as game performance. There are a total of 8 cores inside this processor.


Of course, there are good aspects of this processor, as well as bad aspects. In these aspects, what upsets me the most is that we can only use this processor in Apple products. In short, I can say that they have now switched to the production of a computer such as the iPhone.

The products that use this processor are;

MacBook Pro (13 inch, M1, 2020)
MacBook Air (13 inch, M1, 2020)
Mac mini (M1, 2020)

The product I bought in suanda is a MacBook Pro (13 inch, M1, 2020). I can recommend it for daily use.

Have a nice day and stay Happy. :)

Source : Apple M1 İnceliyelim
good topic..


Uzman üye
15 May 2021
En el universo

Have a nice day, TurkHackTeam Family,

The Apple M1 is the first processor that Apple has developed for computers. It was announced for the first time at WWDC 2020 event in June 2020. It has the characteristics of M1, Firestrom, Icestorm. Due to these features, it works more optimally than many Apple brand computers that were previously available for sale.

It is able to run applications compiled for Macbooks with Intel processors using the M1 x86 architecture using the ARM architecture thanks to a software called Rosetta 2. Thanks to this, the M1 job becomes a little easier. Thanks to the SIP structure, the graphics unit is distributed, and the other units are located in a single chip. Thanks to this, intra-computer communication has accelerated. I can tell you this with a simple example. A person puts his thoughts into words using his mouth to talk to a person and conveys them to that person. Of course, since speech is not as fast as the way of thinking, we will be a little longer. But if we communicate our thoughts directly to the other party without a tool, we will communicate faster.


As for performance, if we compare Apple products that have passed the Geekbench 5 tests, we can see that devices using the M1 processor perform better. If we compare the Intel processors and the M1 processor, we can see that the M1 is 10-0 ahead. Now, if you put this chip aside, the Neural Engine unit inside the M1 processor speeds up many artificial intelligence processes. Another beauty is that a Macbook Pro using this chip has a battery life of 20 hours. I personally use a device that has this processor, and I've never had my battery run out even 1 time when I was out. It is claimed to be the longest charging time on Apple's devices until Suan. In addition, we do not need a fan to cool this processor. A lot of performance is increasing, such as game performance. There are a total of 8 cores inside this processor.


Of course, there are good aspects of this processor, as well as bad aspects. In these aspects, what upsets me the most is that we can only use this processor in Apple products. In short, I can say that they have now switched to the production of a computer such as the iPhone.

The products that use this processor are;

MacBook Pro (13 inch, M1, 2020)
MacBook Air (13 inch, M1, 2020)
Mac mini (M1, 2020)

The product I bought in suanda is a MacBook Pro (13 inch, M1, 2020). I can recommend it for daily use.

Have a nice day and stay Happy. :)

Source : Apple M1 İnceliyelim
Nice topic
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