Burp Suite Usage and Overview //Eagleweb


Kıdemli Üye
8 May 2021
Friends, first of all, I would like to point out that I research and prepare my topics in advance, so when I share a topic, it becomes the topic I wrote yesterday, some friends asked me to tell you already. I haven't been talking about mobile for a long time, let me come to you in today's position, mobile friends. :)




Burp Suite Assistant

Friends, As you know, many well-known site owners and corporate websites want to put themselves through some security tests, but the outside user understands nothing about this functionality, but Burp Suite allows us to understand this. Thanks to its graphical interface, it is both useful and functional. Friends There are 2 versions of the application, these are; This program, which is paid and demo versions, costs only $ 100, has really meaningful functionality.

So why Brup when there are dozens of Penetration Tools?
Friends, the biggest reason I use Burp Suite is that as I mentioned above, I prefer it because it has a graphical interface and the panel management is simple and understandable. It is also a tool that can be preferred because it can analyze data, report in detail about the tested web application, test various types of attacks, as well as produce various algorithms and test their quality.

Friends, You may have understood what Burp Suite is in the above articles, but how does this Burt Suite work on mobile?
Yes, First of all, Friends, let's start with a note before moving on to this program that works more effectively on iOS;

Due to the nature of Burp Suite Mobile Assistant's features, it must be installed on a jailbroken device. Jailbreaks usually install the popular package manager Cydia, which can be used to install Mobile Assistant. Advanced users can choose to get the Mobile Assistant directly. They can do this by pointing a web browser to Burp Suite's in-browser interface, for example . While Cydia is not strictly necessary, Mobile Assistant is dependent on Cydia Substrate.

How to Install?

1-) Guys, start Burp Suite on a network accessible system from the jailbreak device and you should make sure the proxy listener is connected to an accessible network interface and port.


2-) The next step is to add the Burp Suite sample to Cydia's package sources, friends, now open Cydia on the Jailbreak device.


3-) You will see the Resources tab, friends, click on it. Tap the Edit button located in the upper right corner.


4-) Tap the Add button located in the upper left corner. Fill in the APT URL prompt with the IP address (or hostname) and port number of your Burp Proxy listener, using HTTP as the protocol.
If Cydia fails to connect, verify that your Burp Proxy listener is configured to listen for that network interface and that connections are not blocked by your computer's host firewall or device separation on your wireless network.


5-) Tap the Done button to finish. Burp Suite should now appear as an individual resource. Tap on "Burp Suite Pro" option guys.


6-) Install Mobile Assistant normally from the new Cydia package source. Search for Mobile Assistant or browse the new resource's packages.


7-) Tap "Install".


:cool: Then tap "Confirm". When the download is complete, click "Restart Springboard". The Mobile Assistant icon should now appear on your device.


9-) Now you can start forwarding the traffic through Burp Suite. (You can take a look at Burp's page to learn how, folks.)


10-) That's all friends finished Installation completed

How to install on the computer?
Friends, you can download it from the link below, it will be enough to do next-next-finish. (THIS LINK IS FOR PC'S ATTENTION FRIENDS.)


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