Can Hacking with Windows? For those who don't know Linux, this thread! //The Translation Club

Hello to all of you, members of TürkHackTeam, on the subject of "Can Hacking with Windows?" Let's talk about how to do it
History of Windows.
All computer versions of Windows.
Pros and cons of the Windows operating system.
Difference with linux.
The language in which it is written.
History of the Microsoft company.
Can You Hack With Windows?

Hacking tools for windows.

History of Windows.
Windows is an operating system used for the first time on computers from the IBM brand in 1983. It was first introduced as MS-DOS, and the familiar graphical interface has become fully available with Windows 95. Developed by Microsoft, Bill Gates and Paul Allen are the leading developer of 2. One of the most common operating systems today is Windows. Suitable for home and office use.

All computer versions of Windows:

Windows 1.0.1 Windows 1.0.2 Windows 1.0.3 Windows 1.0.4 Windows 2.01 Windows 2.03 Windows 2.1 Windows 2.11 Windows 3.0 Windows 3.1 Windows NT 3.1 Windows 3.11 Windows 3.2 Windows NT 3.5 Windows NT 3.51 Windows 95 Windows NT 4.0 Windows 98 Windows 98 Second Edition Windows 2000 Windows Me Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Windows 10 Windows 11

Pros and cons of the Windows operating system.
It is easier to use than the Linux operating system. Recommended for beginners. Easy to set up. It has a graphical interface. Recommended for gaming. If you have a good system, you don't get too many mistakes. Root access is available.

He's not that good at storage. It is not vulnerable to development, it can be edited, but an operating system cannot be removed from scratch. It can be hacked very easily. Too much malware is being written to attack the Windows operating system. It's a very large library of applications, so it's exploitable, whether you like it or not. The license is charged. Collects too much personal information to advertise.

Difference with linux.
Linux doesn't play much. Linux is open to development. Optionally, it can be set up in graphical interface or dos mode. System requirements are heavier than Windows. It's hard to use. It is a distribution, not an operating system. Free to use. It's not very preferable in places like home offices. It can't be installed on the phone.

With Windows, you can play a lot of games with ease. Windows not that open to development. Currently officially used as a graphical interface. No DOS option. System requirements are lighter than the Linux operating system. Simple to use, recommended to new users. It is an operating system, not a distribution system. The house is popular in offices and so on. It can be installed on the phone.

The language in which it is written.
It is written in "C", using IDE's such as "Visual Studio" with C language, Windows-based programs can be developed, most of the programs available today (for Windows) are written in "C" languages. It is the C language on the base of many languages, for example:


Their language is an example of this.

History of the Microsoft company.

On April 4, 1975, Paul Allen and Bill Gates were founded with his college friends. In 1980, he made his first exit with MS-DOS. He became one of the leading brands with Windows. In 2000, Bill Gates left the company's CEO. Microsoft didn't just want to stay with Windows. To develop applications for both the Windows platform, by developing many applications, "Microsoft Flight Simulator" has shared "Visual Studio" as well as flight simulations for people to play and train pilots.

Let's come to our main topic

Can You Hack With Windows? Yes, it can be hacked with the Windows operating system, but you must develop or use applications or exploids. It is often preferred because it has Linux root access and already has a cyber security operating system. Software installed on the Linux operating system may also be installed on the Windows operating system, e.g. SQLMap Those who do not know the Linux operating system can also hack through the Windows operating system. Even some professionals hack with Windows. Linux is not a requirement. You can also hack into Windows by developing your own apps. Works in Windows on most exploits except applications. You can break systems by writing your own exploiters in C languages.

With Windows,

SQL Injection-CMS-XSS-Wifi Hack-Phishing-Hack into the computer-hacking the phone-Hacking social media accounts-Program cracking-....

Many methods are applicable.

Hacking tools available in Linux are usually:

Python-Perl-PHP-Shell(BASH)-GoRuby-C-JavaScript-SQL-C++ Assembly

It is written in software languages such as, which can also be installed on the Windows operating system. I can hear what you're saying about Shell. With "Go Bash", you can run shell applications with file extension "sh" in Windows.

Hacking tools for windows:

SQLMap-Nmap-Acunetix WVS-Netsparker-Metasploi-tBurp suite-Nikto-John the Ripper-Angry IP Scanner-Wireshark-Aircrack-Ettercap-OpenVas-Intruder-NetStumbler-SolarWinds-TracerouteNG-LiveAction-QualysGuard-WebInspect-HTTRACK Web Site Copier-HashCat-L0phtCrack-Rainbow Crack-IKECrack-Sboxr-Medusa-Cain & Abel-Nessus-Social/Engineer Toolkit-Maltego-Kismet-Airsnort-Airjack-Rfa-Wifnite-WepAttack

Some of these are, almost all of the tools that work in Linux can also be used in the Windows operating system. To do this, simply install the language written on the operating system. Kali Linux already has these tools and the languages it is written in, so in hacking, operating systems such as Kali Linux, Parrot are preferred. Hacking tools or languages are not installed in Windows for the first time, so it is a language that is not much of a choice. Because Windows is often used for gaming, office, home use, not everyone recommends hacking in Windows. Although not recommended, hacking is often used and available in Windows operating system, such as pentest, etc. If you're going into hacking, you need to learn Linux, but if you don't know anything and you're going to start from scratch, you can take a step in hacking and penalties with Windows.

As a bonus, some Cybersecurity related Linux operating systems for you:

Kali Linux-BacBox-Parrot-BlackArch-DEFT-Bugtraq-Samurai-Pentoo-Caine-Fedora-Network Security Toolkit-Archstrike

Steam-Proton-Lutris-PlayOnLinux-Wine-DXVK-CrossOver-RetroPie-RetroArch-Itch-DOSBox-ScummVM-GameHub-Portable Games for Linux-Gamebuntu

That was the point, I hope I taught you something, and I'm glad I did! Don't forget! You can't be a full cybersecurity expert without knowing Linux. Find out about Linux as soon as possible, if you're interested in cybersecurity and your occupation is about it, You'll hear Linux everywhere. One of the first questions you will always be asked is Linux. However difficult Linux is, you can learn by tampering. Linux is an operating system that often fails. Even by solving these mistakes, you can add a lot of information to yourself.

Windows can also be hacked.

Have a nice day.

Good Lessons <3

Original Source: //Windows ile Hack Yapılır Mı? Linux Bilmeyenler Bu Konuya!\\
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