[Fergie] > Close To You


Katılımcı Üye
21 Nis 2008
Tepkime puanı
I just wanna be close to you

The way you look in the morning
I can see your face and your daze
The way (the way, the way) your silence
Always has so to say, to say
With you my king is where I belong
Our castle is beautiful and strong

I just wanna be close to you
I just wanna be close to you

How you own this body
Smoke your cigarette
Sing to me in bed
The way (the way, the way)
You hold me like your
Protecting your throne
I'll be your queen we'll fit so well
Yet near me darling is where dwell

I just wanna be close to you
I just wanna be close to you

You say I'm talking and laughing I'm not
Breakfest in bed have a play pillow fight
We'll hang like homies 'cause your best friend
I know I'm safe just as long as I feel your skin
Not that I need I'm secure with myself
Space, trust, and respect I understand well
Baby I just see such beauty in you
That I need is being close too
If near me darling is wear you dwell

I just wanna be close to you
I just wanna be close to you

I just wanna be close to you
I just wanna be close to you

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