Firewall Devices and Vulnerabilities


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills

This system controls the data exchange in the network traffic with the help of previous rules. Firewall blocks processes against the violation rules. Firewalls are located at the doors that open to the internet, which is specified as insecure from the local network, which we generally think is safe.

What are Firewall Devices

Firewall Devices, these devices are physical products combined with the physical hardware products required by firewall software. Devices have their own property. Let's check out these properties. They are produced for 4 main purposes like packet filtering, stateful firewall packet filtering, User authentication, Client application authentication.

Firewall Types

Firewall Types, there are many sub-branches of this process. But I would like to talk to you about Packet filtering, which is the simplest one. Packet filtering firewall allows you to control the input and output movements on the network. It establishes a bridge between your network with the internet and checks the transactional that pass through the bridge. The running speed of the server does not affect, as it is not installed on the operating system or the server itself. There are several simpler types of firewalls, like Application gateway firewall, Node level gateway firewall.

General Vulnerabilities in Firewall

These firewalls are very important for the systems we have installed. Because the biggest impediment is our firewalls that an attacker faces while trying to log in to the system

Bad Password Preference, as you know, passwords are quite difficult to remember. So instead of U35'wdx?_'^d, we can more easily remember a password like 1Non3nt!y1. For this reason, simple passwords are more attractive to us. If you don't put a confidential password on an important server, your system becomes a clear target for attackers.

Outdated Firewall Software, this vulnerability usually occurs when you do not update your firewall. When the company that provides you with this firewall brings an update, it most likely means that it has closed a software vulnerability in the firewall. That's why we have to closely check the updates coming to our firewalls. These vulnerabilities I mentioned are quite basic and can easily be corrected by even the least skilled person.

Source: Firewall Cihazları ve Zafiyetleri
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