How Is Network Security Guaranteed?


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10 Eyl 2015
When you talk about security in the context of a home internet network or a business internet network, two things are invariably brought up. One is encryption, which aims to make certain that data sent to one computer is encrypted before being transmitted to another. The second is authentication, which makes sure that the person who sent the data actually intended to do so. While these features can be quite technical, they are the core of how this sort of security is best guaranteed in any given situation.

Encryption is done at various stages in a communication process. At the receiving end, encryption may be used with what's called a "shared key", which ensures that the same data is encrypted throughout the whole network. At the sender's end, an encryption key is used, along with a secret message, and the key must be transmitted along with the message for it to be protected. Both these processes make clear how is network security guaranteed.

An obvious concern with having a home internet network, or a business internet network, is that someone could go out and break into your building, taking information and using it to break into your computers. This isn't likely, but it's something that you want to protect against. To do that, you need some sort of authentication system for all of your computers. When you go to connect to the internet, you have to be able to identify yourself, as well as the network you are trying to connect to. There are two primary methods for doing this: one is password encryption, where you make a key based on a password you create; the other is private browsing, in which you use a browser that is restricted or even blocked from connecting with certain networks. While neither is 100% perfect, they give you excellent protection.

With a home internet network, you have a firewalls that prevent intrusion. For business internet networks, you also need to have at least one major firewall that goes between your internal network and the outside world, allowing only the authorized parties access. The problem is that you can't depend on just one firewall, since even the best ones will usually have weaknesses that you can exploit. That's why many businesses now use intrusion detection systems. These are software programs that monitor the activity on a computer, and report back to you with detailed reports about any suspicious activity.

A home internet network, while being fairly basic, is no more secure than a business internet network. Many home networks have wireless modems attached, which allows anyone to connect anywhere in the house. That said, there is still the issue of port security, where you have to ensure that your employees can connect to the internet without anyone else knowing. You'll also find that there are more weak points in a home network than there are in a business one. It's not unusual for people to bring home laptops and other wireless devices that can be plugged into any slot.

There are some basic measures you can take to improve your home network security, such as installing firewalls and making sure that you have a password system. But you won't be able to put in place an unbreakable barrier as there is no way to completely secure a home network. You can, however, make your home network much more secure than a business one. Many businesses are now moving towards cloud computing, which means that your data is stored in a different location, meaning that someone cannot just break into your computer. If your company has its own private cloud, this is less of a problem, but even if you don't, you should have some level of protection against a hacker having access to your data.

How is network security guaranteed? With the right security program, you can get almost 90 percent of your network into the hands of hackers. But you need the right one. If you're trying to protect your home network from the kind of damage that would erode all of your data (and worse, if you use the same computer that everyone else uses), you can get an incredibly basic network security package for under a hundred dollars. But if you want to protect the business networks that you run from home, you will have to spend hundreds of dollars.

So you might be wondering, how is network security guaranteed? It's not through some big, flashy device that looks impossible to break into, or some overly intelligent hacker with software that doesn't do anything except make your eyes bleed. There are plenty of very simple, inexpensive programs that will keep hackers at bay. And most of them are available now for download straight from the Internet.
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