Ice Mc - Never Stop Believing


Kadim Üye
22 May 2008
Tepkime puanı
Kã¥SéЯ! ~ |З8|
Never Stop Believing

You have deen waiting tor something to believe in
Better wake up and open your eyes
Waiting for something
Something to believe in
Better wake up and open your eyes
Never stop believing
Never stop believing
Never stop believing
In yourself
Waiting for something
Something to believe in
Better wake up and open your eyes

This is the don on the set catchin wreck
Nuff respect to the ones who on me put a bet
Better yet dig em up big em up dig em up
Can’t forget without you I would not have a buck
Will power strong mind and abilities
What Shabba rankin has taught me
Get up get out get in an get yours
Believing in yourself can open up doors

Wise man rest and fool he sleep
Never coulda shallow wise man dem deep
Canna canna do it you can indeed
All you gotta do is to believe
A carpenter coulda never make a stool
If the carpenter him never have any tool
You have ambition take out your tool
And work people dem who wait waste time like jerk

Do you wanna de the No.I D.J. boom
Run an get it mi seh run an get it
Do you wanna be like Cassius Clay boom
Run an get it me seh run an get it
Bob Marley never wah wait in vain for the love
Believe in yourself I ya an over
Stand firm and no badda tun in a loafa

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