If You Want To Become A Cyber Security Expert You Need To Know 5 Languages!


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
Primarily, Who is The Cyber Security Expert?

It is the person who ensures the protection of the Electronic Information System it works/performs a service. It can work in private or government institutions. Due to the development of cyber networks and computer technologies every passing day, the need for qualified personnel is pretty high in this sector.

1-C And C ++

C And C ++, That you should know as a Cyber Security Expert is critical low-level programming languages. C programming is the chine of the most operating system. Encrypting is a simple, flexible and efficient language that can be used to complete a wide variety of tasks such as image processing and socket networking. Fundamentally, C ++ is generally considered the big brother of C. It is a great language that incumbent C's source code on a vast scale. There are obtained using C++ some Cyber Security Programs. For example, Nmap the network mapper tool is obtained using C++


2. Python

Python is a high-level programming language that is becoming increasingly popular among cyber experts. Basically code readability is gaining interest due to its commitment to clear and simple syntax and the availability of numerous libraries. So, no matter what task you want to do, you can always easily complete it with Python. For example, you can use the language to send TCP packets to machines, analyze malware, and create intrusion detection systems for minimal reliance on third-party tools. Barely, distinctly C / C ++, Python is not low level; therefore, it may not provide sufficient visibility for hardware resources.


3. JavaScript

Even JavaScript was initially implemented on the client-side in web browsers only, residual this language, It is possible to use other types of host infrastructure like server-side, offline applications and PDF programs in databases. Therefore, learning JavaScript due to its extensive use, It can make you one step ahead of hackers. It will be used to block notions of how websites and other applications work and malicious users. For example, inter sites scripting, It is a JavaScript-based attack that involves an attacker placing malicious code in a web application. If you are experienced in using the JavaScript programming language, you can prevent such attacks from occurring.



PHP is a server-side programming language for developing websites. Since most websites are built using PHP, Learning the language will let you know how to fend off hackers. For example, DDoS (Denial-of-service) attacks generally try to make web applications inaccessible to target users. With PHP programming knowledge, Coupled with skills in other technologies like JavaScript, You can implement robust solutions for secure condition to web applications.


5. SQL

SQL (Structured Query Language) is mostly used in the management of data stored in databases. Due to the current explosion of data storage systems, SQL is common used to protect and retrieve data. Alike, Hackers also use this vulnerability to damage or leak out stored data. For example, SQL Injection Attacks benefit SQL security vulnerabilities to steal or alter data stored in databases.



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