Informatik Archiver 2.50.3423


Uzman üye
24 Haz 2007

Informatik Archiver 2.50.3423 | 2.1 MB | RS

Informatik Archiver programıyla PDF dosyalarınızı açabilir, üzerinde oynamalar yapabilirsiniz. Adobe ye göre daha az yer kaplayan ve makinenizi yormadan işlem yapan bir program.

Informatik Archiver is a comprehensive ******** archiving system with user-customizable Microsoft Access database engine (or an ODBC database) and support for multipage PDF, Tiff, and many other graphics files. Informatik Archiver is optimized for PDF files. An alternative program is Infothek Docudex, which is optimized to Tiff files. The site license includes a free 5-user pack of Infothek Scan with PDF output option.

Informatik Archiver is an affordable comprehensive ******** archiving system.

It has most of the features of far more expensive systems (except workflow features). The program uses the Microsoft Access database engine (an MS Access license is NOT required), but it also supports most ODBC databases. Informatik Archiver is optimized for PDF and TIFF files. Many other graphics formats are also supported. This is the ideal low-cost solution for your ******** archiving and ******** management needs; a single-user license of Informatik Archiver is only $249.00 and an unlimited site license is just $1,000.00. The site license also includes the popular Infothek Scan.

The program requires the files to be indexed manually. Informatik Archiver can optionally do OCR (Optical Character Recognition). The indexing can be performed very efficiently, in some cases virtually semi-automatically, with the help of defaults, data extractions from file and directory names, repeat entries, and imports.

The ******** imaging software includes indexing, powerful query / search, view, print, miniature / thumbnail images of pages, window panning, notes (annotations), printing, and more. For a more complete list of features, see below.

• Built-in PDF Viewer
- Standard features of Adobe Acrobat
• Built-in Tiff/Image Viewer
- Page navigation, (next, prior, first, last).
- Image rotation
- Zoom-in
- Window panning
- Size-to-Fit, Fit-to-Width, actual size
• Option for using 3rd party image or PDF viewer
• Miniature/thumbnail display of pages
• Notes (annotations)
• Zoom-in
• Cropping
• Window panning
• Page navigation
• Image rotation
• Powerful MS Access and ODBC databases
• Up to 30 customizable indexing fields
• Easy-to-use and powerful search functions
• Support for virtually any ******** file formats
• Indexing efficiency tools: shortcuts, default entries, imports, etc.
• Data import and export functions
• Launch external applications for a file
• Efficient graphics handling and display
• Miniature/thumbnail display of pages
• Networkable
• Clean user-interface
• Barcode reader
• Optional OCR (Optical Character Recognition)
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