Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool v7.0.0.180 Kasperin özel programı


Uzman üye
23 Ağu 2007

Kaspersky’ın özel programı..

Another virus scanner and detection software from Kaspersky.
The Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool application was designed to be another virus scanner and detection software from Kaspersky. The produst will scan the specified ********s for any virus threats and remove them or send to Quarantine folder.
=> The Automatic Scan tab window of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, where you will be able to select the objects that you want to scan.
=> Events tab of Scan window is where you will eb able to view a list with all the scanning events and the time and name.
=> Statistics tab of Scan window is where you will eb able to view a list with the number of scanned objects.
=> Scan Settings window of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, where you can set the security level.
=> General tab of Custom Settings window is where you can adjust and modify the general scanning preferences.
=> Manual Care tab window of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, where you will be able to preform a manual system care action.
=> AVZ_CollectSysInfo of Manual Care window is where you will be able to view a list with all the system analysis events.


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