Lordi - Supermonstar


Katılımcı Üye
21 Nis 2008
Tepkime puanı
You've been pushed around
until you mumble
Beaten to the ground
but you won't crumble

They strike you dumb
They bring you down
They keep you on the losing end

They tell your right is wrong
Your high is low
So give 'em hell

Kick up a row
We're the Supermonstars
We chant the anthem of the Phantoms
Deal out the blows
like a Supermonstar
We are humble to none

They can't make you out
That makes you bogus
They think they know
what we're about
but they just don't know us

They strike you dumb
They bring you down
They keep you on the losing end

They tell your right is wrong
Your high is low
So give 'em hell

Kick up a row
We're the Supermonstars
We chant the anthem of the Phantoms
Deal out the blows
like a Supermonstar
We are humble to none


Kick up a row
We're the Supermonstars
We chant the anthem of the Phantoms
Deal out the blows
like a Supermonstar
We are humble to none

Kick up a row
We're the Supermonstars
We chant the anthem of the Phantoms
Deal out the blows
like a Supermonstar
We are humble to none

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