Lordi - The Deadite Girls Gone Wild


Katılımcı Üye
21 Nis 2008
Tepkime puanı
She lures you in with intention
Looks like the girl next door
Lordi But it's blood and sticky floors
that really turn her on
She's got a body to die for
You touch it and you will
Deadite She's got a face of an angel
and an urge to kill
She's sanctified by death

Hey! Stay away from the lady night
Gone Hey! Don't you mess with the devil's bride
You gotta pull out!
Wild Can't you feel the darkness falling?
Get the hell out!
Songtexte Can't you hear the heaven's roaring?
The Deadite girls gone wild
Have casket will travel
She's the best of the worst
Lyrics She'll chew on your neckbone
to quench her thirst

The black widow entraps you
Lyric Oh boy, you're in for a treat
She's the queen of the beasts
Liedertexte she's a demon in heat

No, don't thank heaven for little girls, no
Liedertext When their eyes turn white as pearls
You wanna put it inside
Alle You're gonna lose it, she bites
Then she'll suck you dry

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