Macabre - Dorthea's Dead Folks Home (dorthea Puente)


Kadim Üye
22 May 2008
Tepkime puanı
Kã¥SéЯ! ~ |З8|
Dorthea's Dead Folks Home (dorthea Puente)

Dorthea had a bad place that was a disgrace
a home for old people for a monthly rate
with the help of her son
the old folks' home she'd run
and things seemed quite normal
but something was wrong

The people that graced old Dorthea's place
had no friends or family that she'd have to face
so she thought of a scam
her son the right hand man
a very demented and morbid plan

The old folks' social security checks
to Dorthea were sent
she was allowed to cash
tenants' checks for their rent
but the tenants were dead
all poisoned to death
so they wouldn't have to be
cared for or fed

With the help of her son
buried one by one
in Dorthea's yard
'til someone caught on
Dorthea did plead guilty for her deeds
Dorthea's dead folks home
is now history

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