Macabre - Hot Rods To Hell


Kadim Üye
22 May 2008
Tepkime puanı
Kã¥SéЯ! ~ |З8|
Hot Rods To Hell

Created in fire millions of years ago
The planet earth as all we know
Many days past since the beginning of time
Now it's time to pay for all our worldly crimes

Hot rods to hell
Hot rods to hell
Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect

Destroy the planet with our machines
Fuckin' religion and government schemes
We will die by our own hand
The people who care can't even make a stand

Greenhouse effect
Greenhouse effect
Hot rods to hell
Hot rods to hell

The greenhouse effect, nuclear waste
Some of the products of human hate
Computerized war
No chance to survive
We're counting the days
We are going to be alive

Greenhouse effect
Hot rods to hell
Greenhouse effect
Hot rods to hell

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