Macabre - What The Heck Richard Speck; Eight Nurses You Wrecked!


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22 May 2008
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Kã¥SéЯ! ~ |З8|
What The Heck Richard Speck; Eight Nurses You Wrecked!

Richard Speck stayed in Chicago
He took some pills and drank some alcohol
He tried to wreck nine nurses but one of them got away
He's rotting now in jail that's the way he's going to pay

Richard Speck lives off our taxes he thrives
He strangled and stabbed eight nurses that night
Richard Speck lives we pay for his meals
Convicted for the eight student nurses he killed

What the heck Richard Speck eight nurses you wrecked
What the heck Richard Speck eight nurses you wrecked

He tied them up inside of a room
And one by one he caused so much gloom
He stabbed and strangled eight nurses but one of them got away
Twelve hundred years in jail that's the way he's going to pay

In jail Richard died no longer alive
And he lived off our taxes several years of his life
Richard Speck lived we paid for his meals
Convicted for the eight student nurses he wrecked

What the heck Richard Speck eight nurses you wrecked
What the heck Richard Speck eight nurses you wrecked
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