Macabre - What's That Smell? (jeffery Dahmer )


Kadim Üye
22 May 2008
Tepkime puanı
Kã¥SéЯ! ~ |З8|
What's That Smell? (jeffery Dahmer )

Jeffrey lived in Milwaukee with eleven men
But they were in pieces because he dismembered them

What's that smell? Did something die?
The landlord thought that it was coming from outside
What's that smell? That rotten smell
It's Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment of hell

He took a bus to Chicago so he could pick up queers
Invite them to his place and then he'd drug their beer

What's that smell? Did something die?
The landlord thought that it was coming from outside
What's that smell? That rotten smell
It's Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment of hell

And once they were asleep Jeffrey Dahmer would kill them
Cut them up and eat certain pieces of the men

What's that smell? Did something die?
The landlord thought that it was coming from outside
What's that smell? That rotten smell
It's Jeffrey Dahmer's apartment of hell
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