Macabre - White Hen Decapitator (michael Bethke)


Kadim Üye
22 May 2008
Tepkime puanı
Kã¥SéЯ! ~ |З8|
White Hen Decapitator (michael Bethke)

This is a song about the White Hen Decapitator
Killed his co-worker with a chef knife they used in the store
And for some reason he cut off his co-workers head
Took a price gun and stamped it like a loaf of bread

White Hen Decapitator - He cut off his co-workers head
White Hen Decapitator - With a knife that they made sandwiches
White Hen Decapitator - Then he ran out of the door
White Hen Decapitator - Of the Burnham Illinois store

When the customers came in they couldn't believe their eyes
Because waiting for them on the shelf was a big surprise
A head with a price tag and something carved on the forehead
Then the police caught him a few blocks away as he fled

White Hen Decapitator - He cut off his co-workers head
White Hen Decapitator - With a knife that they made sandwiches
White Hen Decapitator - Then he ran out of the door
White Hen Decapitator - Of the Burnham Illinois store

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