Microsoft Autoute 2011 x32/x64 ENG

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Microsoft Autoute 2011 x32/x64 ENG /templates/new/images/468x60_PPS.gif Streets & Trips is now better than ever! The new version includes software f 2010 with updated maps, a new user interface and easy-to-use tools f planning the perfect trip. No matter whether you run errands planning a trip: Microsoft Streets & Trips can help with user-friendly tools and customizable options f travel planning, so you always get to your destination. Includes maps of 37 European countries.IMPROVED - Contains me than a million of useful infmation on post offices, pharmacies, restaurants, gas stations, ATMs and me. - IMPROVED - Now provides over 300 unique selection Pinbilder - IMPROVED - Select the desired street by simply moving the route using "drag & drop". - IMPROVED - Includes me than 5 million km road and motway throughout Europe. - NEW - Find me places with Virtual Earth RELEASE NOTES GROUP NOTES NEWS 1) unpack 2) burn / mount 3) install Download:
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