Need discuss questions about modern HVNC-2021


Yeni üye
8 Şub 2021
Assalam alaikum brother's!

Need advice from an experienced HVNC developer.
Do not judge strictly on the correctness of the questions, I myself am not a programmer. There are programmers in the team JAVA, C#, C++.

Topical questions on developing modern HVNC.
Questions to address.

Can you please tell me what are the ideal examples of HVNC to learn the actual HVNC and can you explore the questions below:

I just have a white programmer (Java Senior and Junior C++) and he doesn't have much difficulty with reserch. Very much in need of support. Will pay for the time wasted in the support process.

1. How to correctly build a universal video transmission protocol, can this be an example (

2. Examples of what public projects might be good examples for actual HVNC 2020-21.

3. DPI bypass methods. Examples of suitable universal codecs, video-photo protocol encryption.
Answer: You don't have to bother with DPI bypass, normal UDP is enough. Let the protocol module do it, it's better to make TOX so it would work through NAT.

Better to make your own codec. Reducing the color depth, YUV 4:2:0 encoding, for example.

4. What video codec is better to choose?

5. Universal script to run concurrent sessions that will support Windows 7-64,32/Windows 10-64,32-others like 8 or vista doesn't matter at all.
You can then add Windows Server 2019 R1/R2. As it develops.

6. Support for calling Chronium based browsers, Firefox and others relevant as

7. Webgl and keyboard emulation, Canvas Fingerprints implementation process, Font Fingerprinting, Web Brousers Features Detection, Mouse Movements Emulation.

8. But also, of course, statistics in the project, accounting OS in the target, etc. and the logic of auto on/off and manual on/off, statistics on active bots.
One of the important points, this response to links, i.e. if there are requests in cookies,,, the system reacts to these requests and shows in the bot line that they are in cookies Chronium, Firebird, in the future Edge.

9. Question of actual autorun methods, com hijacking, dll hijacking, vmi event subscription.

10. This question related to the manifest is not relevant yet.
Bypass ready build UAC, SmartScreen, Google Chrome Protect.
Answer: all in the process of crypto, CPU build, domain trust, etc.

11. Not many moments of realization with LOADER + Socks5.
Example of already implemented project:
I've seen this malicious project:
Official review from the experts:
Review presentation:

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Questions with builder implementation.
1. Working with build, build generator. Clearing FUD from the detector, writing new STUB.

2. Control panel of the build; check the md5 detects of builds if the client uploaded them to Virustotal or other detection services.

Blocking of builds and project licenses.

Consultancy for Java Developer Senior, C# Developer Senior.
After initial negotiations on skills we will add it to the team.
You can't just put a certain amount or even from and to, it all depends on your experience.

My contacts: RussianKingsoft
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