Racoon - Happy Family


Kadim Üye
22 May 2008
Tepkime puanı
Kã¥SéЯ! ~ |З8|
Happy Family

It would be nice if we could all just sit together
It would be great to have a cup of everything
Oh, what you do with everything?!
It would be lovely to see all your faces smiling
It would be wonderful if all this shit I sing about was happening
Was happening, was happening
And it turns out to be we’re a happy family
But all these family’s break, everybody’s on the take
All that matters today is the kind of money that you make
The money that you make
But all these family’s break, everybody’s on the take
All that matters today is the kind of money that you make
The money that you make
It would be nice if we could all just live together
That’s a hand in hand situation
It would be great if we could feel a bit of sympathy
A sympathy for you and me
It would be lovely if we all stood up together
It’s got to be like that commercial on TV.
It would be wonderful if all this shit I sing about was happening
happening, happening
And it turns out to be we’re a happy family
But all these family’s break, everybody’s on the take
All that matters today the kind of money that you make
The money that you make
But all these family’s break, everybody’s on the take
All that matters today is the kind of money that you make
The money that you make
It would be nice if we could all just sit together
It would be great if we could have a little fun
It would be nice if we could be happy family today


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