Silk Road Online Hakkındaki Harita quest vs...

6 Eyl 2006
Tepkime puanı
Level 1 - Beginner Quest
NPC: General SONHEYON(near the west gate)
Step 1: Visit JANGBUIN the protector merchant/go back talk to SONHEYON (Jangbuine gidip onla konuşup aynı adama geri dönceksiniz)
Step 2: Visit JINJIN owner of the general shop* equip what she give you* then talk to her again/go back talk to SONHEYON (burda JINJIN e gidip geri dönceksiniz)
Step 3: Visit YANGIKJI the herbalist shop owner/buy a hp herb from him/go back talk to SONHEYON (burda herbalistten hp herb alıp geri adam dönceksiniz)
Step 4: Kill 30 Mangyangs/go back talk to SONHEYON (30 Mangyangs gebertip geri döneceksiniz adam gene)
Reward: newbie gears/HP recovery (bunlarda alıcagınız itemlar )

Level 3 - Weapon Dealer
Step 1: Talk to JINGYEON(he guard the south gate)(güney kapısındaki koruma bu onla konuşcanız diyo)
Step 2: Go back and talk to CHEOLHYEON (sonra tekrar bs ye geri dönün)
Reward: 225 exp* 205 golds

Level 3 - Lost Child
NPC: Village Chief(he in the rich village north entrance)
Step 1: Kill Small-Eye/Big-Eye monsters* once it drop "Child Shoes" go back and give it to the Village Chief. (burda eye kesip içinden cıkan Child Shoes i adama geri götürceksiniz)
Reward: 375 exp* 475 golds

Level 3 - Kill Weasels
NPC: IYANG(he guard the east gate)
Step 1: Kill 40 Old Weasel/Weasel* there a lot of them outside of east gate* return to him once you complete. (40 tane weasel kes)
Reward: 1900 exp* 1000 gold

Level 5 - Yangikji Anxiety
NPC: YANGIKJI herbalist shop owner
Step 1: Kill 50 Water ghost/water ghost slaves* they are a little north of west gate* return to YANGIKJI once you complete. (50 tane Water ghost kesecen burda)
Reward: 3800 exp* hp recovery

Level 6 - Water ghost poison(complete Yangikji Anxiety to unlock)
NPC: YANGIKJI herbalist shop owner
Step 1: Kill water ghost or water ghost slaves to obtain the poison* return to YANGIKJI once you get 20 of it. (burda waterların içinden cıkan itemlardan 20 tane istiyo )
Reward: 6600 exp* 4000 sp* mp recovery

Level 7 - Sweeping Stone Ghost
NPC: SANGGWANNAM(he guard the east gate)
Step 1: Kill 40 Stone ghost/broken stone ghost. You can find them at Chin's Tomb or Tomb. Return to him once you complete. (burda chin's tomb veya tomb a gidip stone ghost veya broken stone keseceksiniz 40 tane)
Reward: 4500 exp* 2000 gold

Level 7 - Clear Biseokgwi
NPC: JEONGHYE(he in the court of Jaeun Temple)
Step 1: Collects all the stone pieces(check quest log for update). Return to JEONGHYE for rewards.
Reward: 10500 exp* 3800 gold and a Lvl10 horse scroll.

Level 8 - Tree Spirit
NPC: MYOSORYEONG(excorist house)
Step 1: Kill Decayed Yeoha/Yeoha they drop "Yeoha Black Blood" get 30 of those and return to MYOSORYEONG for reward. (o altında kaplumbağ olan agaclardan kesip 30 black blood cıkarcaksınız)
Reward: A Lvl-10 weapon of your class

Level 9 - Adventurer's Stone
NPC: Flora(at the Specilities Shop)
Step 1: Kill Stone Ghost to obtain "Adventurer's Stone" collect 20 and return to Flora for reward. (20 tane Adventurer's stone istiyo o ghost stonelerden fln cıkıyo bunlar)
Reward: 5000 exp* 3500 gold* 1 Adventure Shift Scroll
Note: If you still have Sweeping Stone Ghost quest* Stone Ghost won't drop "Adventurer's Stone" until you finish

Level 10 - Purification Ground
NPC: MYOSORYEONG(excorist house)
Step 1: Deliver the "Yeoha Black Blood" to Indian Buddhist Monk KUSHYAN.
Step 2: Go back talk to MYOSORYEONG and recieve your reward. (sonra geri gel diyo)
Reward: 12700 exp* 4500 sp and 4000 gold

Level 10 - Sweeping Bandit Archer
Step 1: Kill 50 Bandit Archer and return to JUHO for reward (50 bandit archer öldürcen)
Reward: 9500 exp* mp recovery

Level 11 - Bandit Operation Map(finish Sweeping Bandit Archer unlock)
Step 1: Kill Bandit Archer* they drop Operation Map* get 20 of those and return to JUHO for your reward (bandit archerdan cıkan operation map dan 20 tane toplucan)
Reward: 28000 exp* 5500 sp* hp recovery

Level 13 - Sweeping Bandit(complete Sweeping Bandit Archer to unlock)
NPC: Guild Master
Step 1: Kill 50 Bandits/Bandit subordinates to complete the quest.
Reward: 14500 exp* hp recovery

Level 13 - Tiger Grinding Tooth.
NPC: JODAESAN(specilities shop)
Step 1: Hunter Tiger* they drop "Molar Teeth" collect 10 of those and return to JODAESAN for reward. (işte tigerden cıkan molar teeth den istiyo 10 tane)
Reward: 15300 exp* 5000 sp and 4000 gold

Level 13 - Tiger Hunting Competition(you can do this quest 3 times)
(bu quest serverda 0 diye gözüküyo galiba o bu)
First time: Kill 1 Tiger champion* 20 Tigers and 20 Young Tigers.
Once you complete go back and get reward (20 young tiger ve tiger kescen burda ve geri döncen)
Second time: Kill 3 Tigers champion* 30 Tigers and 30 Young Tigers
Once you complete go back and get reward (3 tiger şampiyon 30 tiger ve 30 young tiger kescen)
Third time: Kill 5 Tigers champion* 40 Tigers and 40 Young Tigers
(5 şampiyon ve 40 ar tenede dierinden kescen burda)
Reward: Total 33000 exp* 9550 exp* 3600 gold* 1 Tiger Volient Scroll and Hp recovery potions.

Level 15 - Cheolhyeon Anger
NPC: CHEOLHYEON the blacksmith
Step 1: Kill 200 Bandit Bowman* return to him once you complete. (200 bandit kescen)
Reward: 26500 exp* 10000 sp and 1 transexual item transform

Level 16 - Stolen Sword
NPC: GWAKI(Hunter Guild)
Step 1: Go to Bijeokodan Mountain Stronghold and kill Bandit* the "Stolen Sword" may drop on your first bandit or it may take you forever to get* so be patient. Took me 2 hours. (bandit kescen burda stolen sword cıkana kadar kescen 1 tane yetiyor)
Reward: 18800 exp* 5000 gold and 3600 sp(Thank Amasuka)

Level 17 - Herb Delivery
NPC: YANGIJKI(herbalist shop)
Step 1: You have to travel to the Chinese West Ferry. (burda seni limandaki herife yolluyo basın queste sarı nokta cıkıyo haritada zati)
Reward: 14400 experience* 3600 skill experience and 3800 GP

For the Yangijki Request:
Step 1: Travel to the East Ferry (bunlar gene limanlar)
Step 2: Travel to the West Ferry
Reward: 18000 experience* 4500 skill experience and 125 Small Mana potions (+220 mp)(Thank Ghostrider)

Level 17 - Yangijki Request(complete Herb Delivery to unlock)
Step 1: Open your quest log* click on the title* open world map* go to the yellow dot on the world map. Then return to YANGIJKI for reward.
Reward: *Let me know*

Level 17 - Black Tiger Talon(complete "Adventure Stone" to unlock)
NPC: Flora(specilities shop)
Step 1: Hunt Black Tiger* they drop "Black Tiger Claw" return to Flora once you get 60 of those. (black tiger dan cıka 60 tane istiyor)
Reward: 60000 exp* 15000 sp and 15700 gold

Level 18 - White Tiger Skin(3 times repeatable)
NPC: JODAESAN(specilities shop)
First time: Hunt White Tigers* they drop "White Tiger Skin" collect 100 of those and return to JODAESAN for reward (white tigerdan cıkan 100 tane ilk önce sonra 200 tane isitiyo)
Second time: Same as above
Third time: Get 200 White Tiger Skin(84600 exp* 20k sp and 1 Tiger Strenght scroll* 20% dmg aborstion for 1 hour)
Reward: Total 84600 exp* 20000 sp* 10900 gold

Level 19 - Folk Remedy
NPC: CHAU(ticket ferryman western)
Step 1: Kill Chakji/Chakji Worker* they drop "Chakji Eye's" collect 100 of those and return to CHAU. (chakji den cıkan 100 tane)
Reward: 112000 exp* 28500 gold* 25000 sp

Level 19 - Ghost Bug Eggs
NPC: Doctor BORI of Donwhang
Step 1: Kill Ghost bug/Devil bug* they drop Bug Eggs* collect 10 of those and return to BORI for reward. (devil bug ve ghost bugdan cıkan yumurtadan 10 tane)
Reward: 14800 exp* 3800 gold

Level 20 - Chakji Hunting
NPC: HAGEUK(Seoyeok ferryman western)
Step 1: Kill 600 Chajki/Chajki Worker to complete. (600 chakji kesecen)
Reward: 141000 exp* 30k sp and 1 reverse return scroll
Aciz ac..
rep aciyizz devlet bize bakmıyorr

Silahlar Ve Skiller
Str basan karakterlerin silahları Glavie ve Blade
int basan karakterlerin silahları Spear* Sword ve Bow
Eşit basan karakterlerde int silahlarıyla daha iyi damage verirler

Str basan bow kullanamazmı kullanır tabiki ama bow'un magic atak daha fazla yani Pure int veya statları eşit olan kişi bowla daha fazla damage verir.

Bide sword ve blade kullanan karakterlerin bi avantajı var kalkan. Dezavantajıda bu silahların diyerlerine göre az damage vermesi.

STR basan karakterler ilk önce silah skill'lerini yükseltmeli*
INT basan karakterlerde ilk önce Force skill'lerini yükseltmeli


lvl 1-18 npc yerleri

lvl 19-30 npc

LEVEL 32 81 npc
ewet lol dıyorum.... Ben zaten bunnarın turkcesını vermıstım
yakın bı zamanda da harıtların canavarların npc lerın oldugu harıtaları buraya yerlestırecegım ama once guıldımı 3 yapıp 45 olmam lazım :D
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