Sony Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 8.0d Build 139

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Kıdemli Üye
28 Eyl 2007
Tepkime puanı


Video düzenleme, ses kaydı ve DVD yazdırma işlemleri tek bir güçlü program içerisinde mevcut. Vegas Movie Studio Platinum yüksek kalitede filmler düzenlemek için, videolar yaratmak için, DVD birleştirmek için ve daha bir çok işlem için kullanabileceğiniz mükemmel bir programdır. Dünya teknoloji üreticisi Sony`nin yazılım dalındaki en önemli programı olan Vegas ile ev sinemasına bakışlar tamamen değişiyor. Çünkü artık herkes bir profesyonel gibi efekt yönetebilecek.
Platinum`un Farklılıkları
Vegas Movie Studio Platinum yazılımı Vegas Movie Studio`nun sunduğu tüm olanakları aynen sunmaktadır. Ancak Platinum farkı DVD yazdırma sistemindeki yenilikten kaynaklanmaktadır. Sürükle, bırak mantığı ile istediğiniz DVD`leri kolayca oluşturabilirsiniz. Ve daha bir çok özellik yine Platinum`un içerisinde mevcuttur.

* HD video düzenleme: HDV ve Sony AVCHD formatları
* 5.1 ses sistemlerine uygun mixleme ve yazdırma imkanı
* Sony PSP™ (PlayStation®Portable)`ye direkt olarak uyumludur
* 100`den fazla video efekti ile NewBlue®`dan profesyonel video efektleri
* 3 tekerlekli bir sistemde renk ayarlama mekanizması
* 20 AniMattes professional video compositing mattes from FreedomFX®
* 20`nin üzerinde DirectX® ses efekti
Nefes Kesecek HD Filmler Yaratın

Vegas Movie Studio Platinum filmleri mükemmel görüntü çözünürlüğüne sahip HD formatlarında düzenleyebilme imkanına sahiptir.

Sistem Gereksinimleri:

* Microsoft® Windows® XP SP 2 veya Windows Vista™
* 800 MHz işlemci (HDV için 2.8 GHz önerilir)
* 200 MB sabit disk alanı
* 256 MB RAM (HDV için 512 MB RAM önerilir)
* OHCI-uyumlu i.LINK® connector1/IEEE-1394DV kartı (DV almak için)
* DVD-ROM sürücü
* Microsoft DirectX® 9.0c
* Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0
Use Vegas Movie Studio software to:
* Add special effects, transitions, titles, and music to your home movies for Hollywood-style results
* Zoom, rotate, and pan across photos to animate still images in your movies
* Make your own DVDs with multiple motion menus and custom navigation
* Commemorate special events such as weddings and anniversaries
* Create exciting, professional-looking business presentations

From Camera to Screen in 3 Easy Steps:
• Easy Capture
It's easy to transfer videos and digital photos to your computer. Vegas Movie Studio software quickly imports and organizes your digital media so you can get started fast.
• Easy Edit
Simply drag and drop to create movies and slideshows with effects, transitions, and music. Make changes at any time and see the results instantly.
• Easy Share
Powerful tools let you burn the movies you create to DVD or CD. You can also export to formats such as QuickTime® and Windows Media® for easy posting to popular video sharing sites.

Make Your Own Movies, Slideshows, Presentations, and More
Vegas Movie Studio software makes video editing easy and fun. Best of all, Vegas Movie Studio software is a real-time nondestructive video editor. No matter what changes you make to your video and photos in the software, your original files are never affected! Vegas Movie Studio software gives you the freedom to experiment and have fun with video editing, without worrying about making a mistake.

Start Sharing Your Videos Online
Sharing videos on sites such as Grouper™, YouTube™, and® are a popular source of entertainment for millions of people. Creating video for these sites is easy and fun with Vegas Movie Studio software. It has a full set of tools for editing, video restoration, and soundtrack creation that will help you create compelling videos that stand out from the rest and get noticed!

Simple DVD Creation
DVD Architect™ Studio software is included so you can create and burn professional-looking DVDs. You'll have fun producing DVDs with custom menus, buttons, backgrounds, and navigation. 44 easy-to-use DVD themes are included to get you started. DVD Creation

Create Spectacular Slideshows
Add a sense of motion to your photos with the easy-to-use Pan and Scan tool. Often called the Ken Burns Effect, these tools let you zoom in and out, pan and scan, or rotate photos for slideshows with professional polish.

Learn as You Go with Amazing Tutorials
Our exclusive Show Me How tutorials guide you through the entire creative process. Whenever you need help, just click the Show Me How button and choose your tutorial topic. Helpful text dialogue boxes, pointers, and guides will actually show you what to do and where to click. Show Me How tutorials

The Perfect Soundtrack
A great movie should sound as good as it looks, so Vegas Movie Studio software includes studio-quality tools for creating a custom soundtrack. Import your own music directly from CDs or MP3s, add sound effects, restore audio, or record your own voiceover track. Audio Tools

Professional Power
Built on award-winning Vegas software technology used in motion picture and recording studios worldwide, Vegas Movie Studio software puts the power of the pros on your desktop.

• New! Gracenote® MusicID™ CD album recognition
• New! Freehand envelope drawing on the timeline
• New! Display of media marker names in events
• New! Improved snapping — color-coded visual snap indicator and the ability to snap to event edges on other tracks
• Multitrack video and audio editing
• Real-time audio and video event reverse
• Audio/video synchronization detect and repair
• DirectX audio plug-in support
• VST audio effect support
• ASIO™ driver support
• Tape-style audio scrubbing
• Real-time preview of edits, effects, and transitions
• Trimmer tool
• Audio restoration tools
• Track level audio FX and envelopes

Multimedia Creation Made Easy
• New! Full-screen preview to a secondary Windows display
• New! Multi-threaded audio engine maximizes performance
• External DV monitor support
• Multiprocessor support
• Easy drag-and-drop editing
• More than 30 interactive tutorials
• Easy-to-use audio recording, editing and processing tools
• Unlimited number of undos/redos
• Automatic crossfades between events
• ACID loop support

Capture and Import
• New! Import and export ATRAC3™, ATRAC3plus™, and ATRAC Advanced Lossless™ files
• Import media from Sony® DVD Handycam® camcorders
• Batch capture and automatic DV scene detection
• PC connection via FireWire®, i.LINK™ connector or IEEE-1394 devices**
• Import pictures in BMP, GIF, JPG, and PSD formats
• Import AVI, DV, SWF, and MPEG 1 & MPEG 2 files
• Import audio files in WAV, MP3, AIF, CD Audio and PCA formats
• Extract audio from CDs

Transitions and Effects
• More than 185 customizable 2D and 3D transitions
• Nearly 300 customizable video special effects
• Add text animation, titles and scrolling credits
• Red-eye removal tool
• Chroma Key green screen effects
• Pan and crop tool to animate still images
• Video and audio time stretching

Export and Sharing
• New! Insert I-frames at marker positions when rendering MPEG-2 (works in conjunction with I-frame viewer in DVD Architect Studio 4.5)
• VideoCD and Multimedia CD burning
• Export video projects in multiple formats for the web

What's New in Version 8.0:
* Enhanced video preview.
* Full-screen preview to a secondary Windows display (including DVI monitors).
* Insert I-frames at marker positions when rendering MPEG-2 (works in conjunction with I-frame viewer in DVD Architect Studio 4.5).
* Support for editing files recorded with Sony AVCHD camcorders (only in Vegas Movie Studio Platinum 8.0).
* Improved native HDV .m2t playback performance and improved memory handling for HDV longform projects (only in Vegas Movie Studio Platinum Edition 8.0).
* Multithreaded audio engine maximizes real-time audio playback and rendering performance - more tracks and effects with lower latency.
* Support for opening and rendering ATRAC3™, ATRAC3plus™, and ATRAC Advanced Lossless™ files.
* Gracenote® MusicID™ technology for extracted audio from CDs.
* Improved snapping — color-coded visual snap indicator and the ability to snap to event edges on other tracks.
* Display of media marker names in events.
* Freehand envelope drawing on the timeline.

Changes in Version 8.0b:
* Added support for MJPEG-encoded AVI files.
* Added Spanish language support.
* Fixed a bug that could cause 1080p HDV clips to default to 1.000 pixel aspect ratio.
* Fixed a bug that could cause image corruption in the Red-Eye Reduction window with Windows Vista™.

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