To WordPress Website - Uploading Shell & Changing Index / ShuJaira-Nurullah44


Uzman üye
23 Eyl 2016
Necessary materials:

K2 Shell :

İndex code :

Rar Pass : ShuJaira-tht

After the downloading necessary tools, let's start the processes,

Let's login to admin panel with the informations that we found out from CMS BruteForce, Türk-Altay, etc.

Example admin panel:


As you can see below in the photo;
Click 'Appearance' and continue with 'editor' and find 'main index template'(index.php)

When we find 'index.php', it's time to paste our index's codes to the site;

Codes pasted. Now click update. And we are going to check the site's main page...


As you can see above in the photo, index changed and we are done for now.

Attention please;

Someones asking like "i pasted index code but index didn't changed. Why?"

No need to give up. There is still quite a few methods. Let me telling some...

Cracked sites can have protect. We paste code but index don't change. Because protect will block our codes. For pass protect: We are going to return to directory which one i showed. It didn't showed in 'Main index Template (index.php)'?
There is still have directories for paste our codes.

For example;







Find this directories and paste codes here. Then check the main page. If index didn't changed, try another directory.
If no one worked, measure of the last resort is finding Theme header(Header.php).

İndex part done...

Let's get the work on uploading shell:

How can i upload shell to WordPress site?

Of course, we are need access to admin panel now too. After login follow the same ways.

After find 'Appearance>Editor', find '404.php' from php coding options. And paste K2 shell codes here that i give.

Now we aren't looking the main page. We need access to '404.php'.

For this:
Kod: name)/404.php

If you did something wrong, you can see 404 not found error.
We need to sure that which theme we are in.
To chech that, look the directory that we paste our codes...

After learn the theme name, time for 'how do we do this combinations?'
We should be careful to some things when writing the theme name: NOO JobMonster (shared on All names must be written in lower case and combined, otherwise we'll get an error on our shell path.
Let's go our shell path right now


We can enter our shell path with the above code.

Example shell path:


Problems that may arise:

I did what you said but i saw 404 error and can't enter shell. What should i do?

İt means our site have code(SHELL) protect. We'll change the format of shell to gif...

We need to return to where we pasted the shell codes.

Add '' GIF89;a '' code on top of the shell code. Then click update. Backing shell path and we are in.

Code : GİF89;a


Original : Wordpress Siteye İndex ve Shell basma/ ShuJaira



Katılımcı Üye
20 Ağu 2016
I said to myself ; Why He is write it as for English
I see Category after that :trl
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