Twitter Is Bringing New Feature 'Spaces' will be Rival to Clubhouse to Web Version!


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
Twitter Is Bringing New Feature 'Spaces' will be Rival to Clubhouse to Web Version!

Social media platform Twitter has developed a feature called Clubhouse-style Spaces. Reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong shared photos of Spaces' appearance on the web.


Social media platform Twitter announced a Clubhouse-like feature known as "Spaces". It allowed them to make voice chat for Twitter users. Spaces tested on the IOS version remarked that the android version is on the way.

Now, Twitter has announced that Twitter will bring the new feature, which will be Clubhouse-style voice chat rooms, to the desktop version. Reverse engineering expert Jane Manchun Wong shared screenshots by testing how it will look on the web version.



The feature called Spaces had announced the conversation with 2 people or more in a group. It also mentioned that they will have many features such as the feature to attend by invitation and donate to broadcasters.

Available on mobile, for now, Twitter Spaces will address more users through its web support.

Like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are working on this feature. These social media platforms are planning to publish the feature within 1 year.



Katılımcı Üye
13 Ocak 2018
You should make texts bigger for readers.

Except that, nice. Keep going.
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