What is Metasploit? And Nikto


Katılımcı Üye
15 Mar 2021
Hey evreyone welcome to my first English writing
the topic we will discuss today ; what is Metasploit and What does metasploit do.

Metasploit is a program that contains payload viruses,exploit and various software.
runs on terminal and comes automatically in kali linux

What is exploit? ; Infiltrates the counter system using system vulnerabilities and user permissions

//my English is not good

What is payload ? ; While accessing the target system, it is loaded into the memory of the target machine, allowing the hacker to perform the desired actions. ... It is used to gather pre-exploit information and advance on the target system after exploit.

just to start; type msfconsole
to see other parameters ; type help

Show Command: Information can be obtained from modules in Metasploit. The show command returns responses according to the relevant platform. For example, Linux modules cannot be viewed while inside Windows modules.

Search Command: Searches for information about the module you are looking for.

Figure 2: Searching for netapi vulnerabilities

Check Command: Used to check whether the target system contains the current exploit. It may not be supported by all exploit modules.

Use Command: It is the command that allows us to select the modules required for the exploitation operations.

Run Command: It is the command we will use to launch an attack on the system after we have decided that we will use the exploit or auxiliary module against the machine in our target. Alternatively, the "exploit" command can be used.

Set Command: It is the command that allows defining the parameters in the module to be used. If it is desired to define the parameters to be used in all modules, the "setg" command can be used.

Sessions Command: Used to manage multiple connections. You can put your connections in the background and call them again when necessary.

What is Nikto? ; performs an explicit search on the nikto website; Finds vulnerabilities such as Sql, Xss
so it's perfect for targeting before preparation
Written in perl language

to see the commands used; Just type nikto --help

you can use commands
it will take some time to learn the parameters but it will be worth it
and nikto doesn't just work on the web; (port//ip address) scan can be done

Web vulnerability scanner. Lists vulnerabilities in web pages

Update is done first
./nikto.pl -update

Then the scan is done
./nikto.pl -h www.example.com -output white.txt

Other parameters
-Cgidirs : specify the CGI folders to scan
-dbcheck : tests the database for typos
-Display : changes the result shape (1..4, D and V)
-evasion : Tries IDS circumvention techniques (1..8)
-findonly : checks only if http exists without scanning for vulnerability
-Format : determines the output format (csv, htm, txt, xml)
-host : destination to scan
-Help : shows usage information
-id : Used for http Auth. ("id : password")
-mutate : detail test settings
1 - Test all files with all root directories
2 - Guess for password file names
3 - Enumerate user names via Apache (/~user type requests)
4 - Enumerate user names via cgiwrap (/cgi-bin/cgiwrap/~user type requests)
5 - Attempt to brute force sub-domain names, assume that the host name is the parent domain
6 - Attempt to guess directory names from the supplied dictionary file
-mutate-options : detail test settings
-nolookup : check domain for ip
-nossl : no ssl
-no404 : cancels the page not found check
-output : result file
-port : ports to scan
-Pause : waiting time between scans
-root : start directory
-ssl : there is ssl
-Single : scan with a single thread
-timeout : the end time of a call
-Tuning : tester to be done
0 - File Upload
1 - Interesting File / Seen in logs
2 - Misconfiguration / Default File
3 - Information Disclosure
4 - Injection (XSS/Script/HTML)
5 - Remote File Retrieval - Inside Web Root
6 - Denial of Service
7 - Remote File Retrieval - Server Wide
8 - Command Execution / Remote Shell
9 - SQL Injection
a - Authentication Bypass
b - Software Identification
c - Remote Source Inclusion
x - Reverse Tuning Options (i.e., include all except specified)
-useproxy : use proxy (requires conf file)
-update : update plugins and database.
-vhost : If more than one domain is kept on a server, the domain is specified here.

Source ; Nikto
And ;

We have come to the end of our article.
My next content; nmap,nessus,wafw00f
and those after them; manual sql injection, xss and bypass methods
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Katılımcı Üye
15 Mar 2021
ok i will put examples in my next posts
thanks for your suggestion

my friend usages are as follows; nikto -dbcheck

In short, you need to bring nikto to the top and use parameters.

For msfconsole it is enough to start by typing msfconsole and then use the parameters

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