What's Broken Access Control?


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills
What's Broken Access Control?

Access control or authorization. Broken Access Control depends on authentication and session management in Web applications. (Credential Session) The purpose of authentication is to verify the user. Session management defines which HTTP requests have been made by the same us, this situation can sometimes cause negative consequences. Access control checks if the action users want to perform is allowed or not. Broken Access Control is a critical vulnerability that is common and can be very dangerous. This vulnerability is a vulnerability that causes the disclosure of places that a user should not see theft, alteration, destruction of data, and the ability to disguise any user. If hackers bypass these access controls somehow, that is, what I said can be done.



This vulnerability is a vulnerability accepted by OWASP among the TOP 10, that is to say among the ten most critical vulnerabilities.

How They Can Bypass

Hackers typically use methods to circumvent access controls or directly exploit this vulnerability. Trying to access management pages on the URL (robots.txt is an example) etc.
An attempt to create a query for a user on the URL.
Create a query on the URL that will give what they want.
They manipulate on the HTML page (review).
Use an API attack tool.

These are examples of methods.

Simple Examples

>> The SQL query of the application uses unverified data is as I showed.

psmt.setString(1, request.getParameter("acct"));
ResulSet results = psmt.executeQuery();

In this query, the app is using unverified data access account information. The hacker edits the acct parameter in this query will send the account number they want, so the verification is broken comes true.

>> Access from URL

I am talking about accessing robots.txt, admin login pages, and private pages via URL. For example, typing www.x.com/robots.txt on the www.x.com website acceptable a security flaw if it opens robots.txt. Of course, robots.txt is now obsolete, there are more up-to-date situations, but they can still get steel information on robots.txt. It is a security defect that the web page is not verified, that is to say, visit the Web page in the form of a visitor and access this information.


How to A**** These Defects?

Since this vulnerability has the same logic as Broken Authentication, I will write a section from an old ******** here.

>> Keep session management up-to-date.
>> Use the Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) system.
>> Use a system that does not allow weak passwords.
>> Passwords in clear text (db)
>> Old session delete system session_regenerate_id (true)

These methods can be used to prevent this vulnerability and.



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