What's File Transfer Protocol


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills


What's File Transfer Protocol

It is the name given to the file transfer process that takes place between devices connected to any network on the internet. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is one of the first developed internet protocols.


It is possible to transfer more than one file you want on the website with FTP (File Transfer Protocol).

Transactions with FTP (File Transfer Protocol):

+For transferring between one computer (server) and another computer (server),
Thanks to the connection provided with the help of the protocol, for file receiving and sending operations with the help of a directory code, can be used for such operations.


What kind of things do we need to be able to do File Transfer Protocol operations?

+ Internet address information of the computer (server) to which we will connect.
+ The user id of the database of the computer (server) to which we will connect and, if available, the password
+ Having the necessary internet access
+ Computer (server) with required File Transfer Protocol application
+A File Transfer Protocol site is required. File Transfer Protocol operations can be performed and protocol operations interpreted.



ftp <the address of the ftp machine>

When you enter this address, you will be asked for the user id and password for login. After entering the required user id and password, you will be able to connect to the required machine. After reaching the required input field, you can perform some operations on the machine thanks to some commands.


What Are File Transfer Protocol Commands?

: It is used to change your terminal located on one directory to another directory.
pwd: Allows you to give a name to the directory you are in.
dir: Lists the files in the directory you are in.
ls: Lists all folders and files like minimal in the directory you are in.
close: Closes the File Transfer Protocol setting.
delete: Allows you to delete the file in the required directory.

Source: File Transfer Protocol (Dosya Transfer Protokolü) Nedir?


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