What's Masscan?


Katılımcı Üye
1 May 2020
Beacon Hills

Scan local networks are very important nowadays. Because in an important company can cause big losses a small gap in the network. Therefore, we can scan the local network to see if there are any problems with the ports. There are many tools available for scanning local networks. If we give examples of these, Nmap, znmap, Hping and many other tools can be given as examples. Today we will learn a tool similar to this one. The name of this tool is Masscan, this tool can run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS systems. Let's find out what this tool is and how it works.


What is Masscan Tool?

Masscan is a tool that scans network connection similar to Nmap. Security companies use Masscan as well as tools such as Nmap, Znmap. Thus, if Masscan is a problem that does not appear in Nmap, they will fix it immediately and thus ensure their work. Masscan Port is used in scanning processes, it can serve us in the easiest and fastest way to detect the service of applications running on remote ports. Masscan is also used for operations such as network defence and network attack.


How to Use Masscan?

I told you that Masscan can run on Windows, Linux and Mac OS. First, we open the terminal and download the tool if there is no Masscan tool.

apt-get install masscan


After downloading the tool, we need an example to run the tool. Now, with the command we will write, we will run our tool by adapting a simple example. Now, with the command we will write, we will run our tool by adapting according to ourselves a simple example.



It gives us a few simple examples or helps parameters to use. Some of you may not understand much here, but you can understand better, as we will soon see the use of the tool.

masscan IP address -p Port gap to scan (1-1000)

We fill in the necessary information and start our tool. It Keeps us waiting for a few minutes. This time may change as direct proportion with the internet speed.


After waiting for a while, we will see results.


As it is seen, it viewed the open ports. Our tool works just like Nmap.

In addition to important tools such as Nmap, you can use the Masscan tool as prophylactic. it shows us if there is a problem for a few minutes. This saves us both time and whether there is a problem on the ports. Also, let's not forget how useful it is thanks to its easy use.


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