You Have Only 3 Seconds!! //The Translation Club

When you enter the room, everything is over. In three seconds, you'll be judged by anyone who has just looked at you from the corner of their eye. Your clothing and hairstyle are evaluated; your carrying of yourself is noticeable; your jewelry and clothing are observed. You are careful to greet someone next to the door and within three seconds you are making an irreversible impression. Some people who watch you walk through the door are intrigued by the desire to know you more from their minds, while others may have erased you from. This is a process that applies to all situations where we first encounter someone. In the first moments of the , we weigh what we're dealing with. We look for evidence that we have something in common, which happens very quickly and superficially, but we use that first impression for our irreversible judgment. This process works as follows:

-If a person is on a comparable commercial or social level, they are considered suitable for more interaction.

– If the person is a higher commercial or social level, they are admirable and considered an important relationship.

-If the person is less of a commercial or social level, they are tolerated but treated with distance.

– If the person is interviewed, it is considered to be appropriate or not appropriate for the body chemistry, which directly affects the outcome of this situation.

These assessments are done continuously in both commercial and social life. When that three-second evaluation period that takes place before you have a chance to say anything, it will no longer change that. If you leave the best impression possible, you can keep your audience in your palm. If you make a weak impression - to get this attention back no matter how hard you work, you lose interest in them.

You either become a victim of this process, or you learn to control the impression you leave and transform it to be a winner in any case. To do so, you need to be able to account for your superiority and weaknesses, have the desire to create a goal, and the discipline for change.

Get used to it. Your number is in the real world. It will take people a few seconds to figure out where you're coming from. They can weigh you down in a few seconds! It's a uncomfortable fact to be judged so brutally.

Business relationships and social relationships are pure and unspoiled, and are only determined by the character of the person. A meeting, interview, social event - each one is a theater. You are an actor and in a convincing way that you can get the job, win the customer or have the right to join the club There are only two ways to do this, as the actor says: Method or technique.
The method requires the character that the actor plays. If he has a scene to cry about, he can think of a sad scene from his own life or the life of the character. The opposite is that in technical acting, emotions are depicted here without them. Here the actor learns the expression of faces that come with anger and takes over these statements to look angry...

Gender - many people prefer to have a business relationship with men.

Skin to- person's skin color affects the relationship building process.

Age - people tend to relate to people who are acting with them.

Appearance - defined by status or class clothing, behavior and style.

Expression - people's facial expressions often reveal their attitudes.

Eye Theme - in Western societies, direct eye contact is expected, but in some Asian and African cultures, this is not the case.

Posture - proper posture and transport is a sign of positive self-respect.

Distance - people stand close or distant, according to their culture.

Touch - it's normal to shake hands officially in Western societies, and in some Eastern societies, touch is not allowed.

Body smells - Personal hygiene has high priority, bad breath or body odor is grating!

The first two features are not expected to change, of course. There is no point in arguing with people who are retheaded, about whether gender or race matters are no longer important at this time. Some influencers can be more formatted and more persuasive about common points. (I mentioned the age on purpose, because we all want to meet and not disrupt the equality in negotiations we need to draw ourselves a picture of health and vitality.)

The Power of Image Creation
Identity is the essence that people look and judge to determine your status, power and potential. They understand who you are, how you present yourself, what you say, or how you behave. Believe it or not, we reveal our character or personality with real tips:)

Image is the impact we have on others, and these are the spiritual traits that viewers react emotionally or intellectually. These are the opinions of people who don't want to believe you or believe you based on the classroom or value system.

The power of image creation is a picture of your potential and abilities in the mind of the sensor. The mind of the sensor is influenced by every image and behavior detail you display. It is an implied force that you go to, you do, and how you resist the next challenge. It is an untested source that allows the person to trust you before you start the job.

The appearance is not engraved on the skin. Anyone may appear to make a striking impression, but below this image, there must be a essence that will ensure the continuity of this impression. High ethical and moral standards also support the impression you want...

Original Source: Sadece 3 Saniyeniz Var !

Have a nice day.

Good Lessons <3
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