What Does An Antivirus Mean?


Özel Üye
21 Nis 2020
Welcome Turk Hack Team Members, today we'll talk about antiviruses today.

Antivirus program

Alternatively referred to as antivirus software, AVS, antivir, or AV. An antivirus program is a software utility designed to protect your computer or network against computer viruses. If a virus is detected, the computer displays a warning asking if the infection should be quarantined, removed, ignored, or moved to the vault.

As mentioned above, if your computer is infected with a virus without an antivirus program installed, any number of malicious actions could occur. If you are running Microsoft Windows or macOS, we recommend having an antivirus program installed on the computer. If you have the latest version of Windows, make sure at the very least that Windows Defender is running.

What happens if a virus infects a computer without an antivirus?

If a virus infects a computer without an antivirus program, it may delete files, prevent access to files, send spam, spy on you, or perform other malicious actions. In some situations, a computer may not be compatible with your computer and the virus would only be used to spread to other computers.

What are examples of antivirus programs?

Today, there are different companies and antivirus products available for computers, servers, and even phones. New versions of Microsoft Windows even include Windows Defender, which with the latest versions of Windows can defend against computer viruses. Other well-known antivirus programs include Norton antivirus and McAfee, and popular free antivirus programs include Avast and AVG. See the link below for a full list of links and comparisons.

What are the currently available antivirus programs? Where can I find free online virus scanners?

There are also antivirus programs that run from a USB flash drive or CD/DVD, making it portable and available to run without being installed. Many portable antivirus programs provide a GUI to run antivirus scans, while others provide a command line interface to run scans from the command line. Additionally, some portable antivirus programs are bootable, meaning they can scan a computer at boot up. A bootable antivirus program is especially helpful if a computer will not load into an operating system, due to a virus infection or other problems.

Portable antivirus programs

Below are several portable antivirus programs that have proven to be excellent at removing viruses and malware.

Anvi Rescue Disk - a bootable antivirus program that provides a GUI for user-friendly operation; able to run on a USB flash drive.
ClamWin Portable - provides a GUI to run scans and remove viruses and spyware that are found.
Comodo Rescue Disk - a bootable antivirus program that provides a user-friendly GUI for running scans and removing threats; able to run on a USB flash drive or a CD/DVD.

Emsisoft Emergency Kit - provides a command line interface and a GUI, allowing you to choose which way to run scans and remove malware.

Spybot - Search & Destroy Portable - the portable version of the very popular Spybot malware removal tool; provides a GUI to run scans and remove threats found on a computer.

After installing an antivirus, what should I do?

Once an antivirus is installed and running, the program protects your computer from any new viruses or malware installing on your computer. All new antivirus programs also schedule times to scan all computer files for past infections or can be manually run at any time.

How do I open my antivirus program?

After installing an antivirus program on your computer, it should automatically start each time you boot your computer. If the antivirus program is not running in memory (in the background) your computer is not entirely protected. When running the program should show in the Windows Notification Area. In the picture is the AVG is the center icon in the Windows Notification Area. Right-clicking or double-clicking the antivirus icon opens the program and allows you to manually start a scan or view other available options.

When was the first antivirus program written?

The first antivirus programs began appearing in 1987 with the introduction of an antivirus program from G Data Software for the Atari ST. Later in the same year, VirusScan was introduced by John McAfee, which later became the McAfee antivirus program.

How to update antivirus definitions or keep the antivirus updated

Every antivirus program also has definitions that tell the antivirus program how to detect and clean any new viruses that may have been released. Thankfully today most antivirus programs automatically connect to the Internet and download the latest definitions or warn you if it's not up-to-date.
If you do not update your antivirus, it cannot detect any new virus.

What happens if we do not update an antivirus?

As mentioned above an antivirus update keeps your antivirus software up-to-date with all the latest virus definitions. If a new virus is released and you have not updated your antivirus, it cannot detect the virus and would infect your computer.

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