Golden Rules Of SEO Optimization // Basic Training


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21 Nis 2020

Hi, dear TurkHackTeam Family Today, I will talk about the importance of the concept of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), it has been a topic where everyone said something but did not get clear results for years.

What Is This Seo? What's the importance of SEO? What does SEO do?

If we talk about SEO, we can use the term Virtual face of a company. In the technology century, the weight of a company in the internet environment will provide a high increase in its sales, and a solid weight in the internet will reflect the prestige of that company at the same level.
This is where Seo intervenes and provides an increase in keywords in the format of the site. Now we will list the exact golden rules you need to apply in order to do main SEO work.

Golden Rules Before Starting SEO​

Website Title

Your webpage title length should be less than 70 characters. Since your length is more than 70, it can be treated as spam in terms of SEO.

Website Description

Your page description length should be less than 160 characters. If your length is more than 160, it can be treated as spam in terms of SEO.

Site Keywords

Your page keyword length should be less than 260 characters. If your length is more than 260, it can be treated as spam in terms of SEO.


It is a text file that prevents search engines from crawling certain pages on your site. The file is essentially a list of commands such as Allow and Disallow that tell search engines which URLs can and cannot be. It is an important element for SEO.


It is the file that guides search engines to index your site in a better way. Through this file, it detects how often, when the pages on your site were updated and how important they are.

Heading Tags

The H tags, which are used in terms of in-site hierarchy and semantic web, are tags that express the heading structures within the page. 1piece of H1, 4 pieces of H2, 4 pieces pf H3 should be used on each page and it is recommended that they be in hierarchical order.

Word Analyzes

By analyzing the word density on your page, you can make targeting to rank high in search engines.

Content Code Rate

Adjusting the ratio of content to code is an important criterion for search engines. Pages with high content rates are considered friendly by search engines. Pages with a low code rate are easier to navigate and understand by google bots.

Canonical Tag

By using the Canonical tag, you can prevent the detection of duplicate content by search engines of your pages with the same content but different links.

SEO-Friendly Links

Providing descriptive categories and filenames (so URL) for d0cuments on your website helps both to make your site more organized and your d0cuments to be better crawled by search engines.

Internal Links

Links to your site address or to the sub-pages of your site are called internal links. It is an important element in terms of SEO for users and search engines to easily access your content. It is recommended that the number of your internal links do not exceed 250.

External Links

Links to other sites are called outbound links. It is recommended that the number of your external links should not exceed 20 and add "nofollow" tag to unnecessary ones.

Links With Underscores

Another element recommended by search engines is that you use an underscore (-) instead of an underscore (_). In this way, your links will be simpler, so adding to search engines will be simple.

Images With No Undertags

It is recommended that you use alt tags for all images you upload to your site. By using alt tag, you can get better results in image searches and make search engines better crawl your images.

Images Without Width and Height Labels

It is recommended that you specify the width and height values ​​for all images you add to your site. In this way, optimization can be achieved in visual searches.

Data Marking

Created by search engines, it is recommended to use it because it enables you to improve search results, highlight important places in the site content or highlight related words.

HTML File Type

It is recommended that you specify the HTML file type so that search engines and other query systems can better interpret the content of your site.

W3C Standarts

A standard coded website means faster browsing and interpretation for search engines, so search engines always support W3C standards.

Inline CSS

Instead of directly defining the style for the elements in your coding, it is recommended to create a general style file and make your definitions over that file.

CSS Standardization

It is recommended not to call a file as @ import while performing CSS encoding.

Webmaster Tools **** Verification Tag

You can improve your site's statistics and performance by using Google, Bing and Yandex webmaster tools. **** tag verification is required to use the tools.

Character Set Label

It is recommended that you use this tag to prevent character corruption on your site.

Responsive M3TA Tag

It is recommended that you use this tag to determine that your site is mobile compatible by search engines.

Noindex M3TA Tag

For SEO Optimization, your page should not use the robots **** tag set as noindex, which means that if this tag is absent, it will be reviewed and indexed by search engines.

Open Graph M3TA Tags

It is recommended that you use your site's posts on social media to become qualified and semantic. Many social media platforms take these tags into account.

Site Language Definition

It is recommended that you use it so that your site can be interpreted in the correct language by search engines.

Nested Tables

Nested tables that you will host on your site are not recommended by search engines, as they do not have the same image in every web browser.


Favicon is a quality directive in terms of sites It is an effective feature as the logo of the site, especially for the sites to be remembered by the users.


If you use flash on your site, your site will not be understood by search engines and will not be able to rank high in search results. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not use flash on your site.


If you use frame codes on your site, search engines can interpret your site blankly. It is recommended not to use frame codes on your site.

Unapproved Code Tags

It is recommended that you do not use tags that have been deprecated according to new HTML coding standards. Not without an example. Let me leave a few examples below ..

Applet tag on your website
Basefont tag on your website
Center tag on your website
The dir tag on your website
Font tag on your website
Isindex tag on your website
Menu tag on your website
Strike tag on your website

Webpage Speed

Since page speed affects the time visitors spend on your site, it is recommended that you keep your page speed to a minimum.

Webpage Size

It is recommended that your page size be under 35 KB for faster loading, a better user experience, higher conversion rates and better search engine rankings.

GZIP Zipping

It is recommended that you use the files on your site to be compressed to a certain level and to open your site faster.

Used Pictures

It is recommended to visually highlight the content on your site and to make it easier to understand. However, using images with an unnecessary size negatively affects the page opening speed.

Used CSS Files

The style files used in page speed optimization for your users visiting your site are of a great importance. The more these files are called, the later your page will load.

Used Javascript Files

The javascript files used in page speed optimization for your users visiting your site are also of great importance. The more these files are called, the later your page will load.

Domain Length

Domain name length is an important factor for users to remember the site address more easily. It is recommended that the domain names you will use should not exceed 20 characters.


The use of SSL is a factor that affects the reliability and quality of your site for both search engines and your visitors. Therefore, SSL usage is also recommended for good SEO optimization.

IP Blacklist

For a good SEO configuration, it is recommended that you host your site on IPs that are not included in the Blacklist.

Server Software Information

[SIZE]For the security of your site, it is recommended that you do not make the software information public.


Hosting harmless software is an important element in terms of SEO in order to provide a better experience for users visiting your site.

Google Analytics

It is recommended that you use Google Analytics for detailed analysis of your visitors who enter your site.

E-Posta Security

Also to prevent the e-mail addresses you will specify on your site from being scanned by robots and used for spam purposes, it is recommended not to specify the e-mail addresses directly.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework) Configuration

It is used to indicate which servers are authorized to send mail with the domain name to SPF mail servers. It is recommended to configure SPF DNS in order to prevent spam mails using your domain name.

Yes, we learned some basic things, of course, it is not limited to these, but in general, we need to apply these concepts completely for a healthy and successful SEO work. Thank you to everyone who read my articles, it took a lot of time, but I think it is an useful article. I will talk about different details in my other SEO topics, thank you...

Translator: Dolyetyus

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