Top 5 Most Popular Tools for Brute-force

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19 Tem 2011


Aircrack is a combination different tools used for Wifi, WEP and WPA passwords cracking. With the help of these tools you can crack WEP/WPA passwords easily and effectively

Brute force, FMS attack, and dictionary attacks techniques can be used to crack WEP/WPA passwords. Basically it collects and analyzes encrypted packets then using its different tool crack password out of the packets. Although aircrack is available for Windows but there are different issues with this software if we use this in Windows environment, so it’s best when we use it in Linux environment.

John the Ripper:

John the Ripper is a free multi or cross platform password cracking software. Its called multi platform as it combines different password cracking features into one package.

It’s primarily used to crack weak UNIX passwords but also available for Linux, Mac, and Windows. We can run this software against different password encryptions including many password hashes normally found in different UNIX versions. These hashes are DES, LM hash of Windows NT/2000/XP/2003, MD5, and AFS.

Site for Download:

Rainbow Crack:

RainbowCrack software uses rainbow tables to crack hashes, in other words we can say it uses process of a large-scale time-memory trade for effective and fast password cracking.

Large-scale-time-memory-trade-off is a process of computing all hashes and plain text using a selected hash algorithm. After calculations, obtained results are stored in the tables called rainbow table. Process of creating rainbow tables is very time consuming but when its done software works very fast.

Password cracking using rainbow table is faster than the normal brute force attack method. It’s available for Linux and Windows operating system.

Site for Download:
RainbowCrack - Crack Hashes with Rainbow Tables

Cain and Abel:

Cain & Abel is one of the top cracking tool for password cracking and password recovery for Windows OS.

Cain & Abel can use techniques of Dictionary Attack, Brute-Force and Cryptanalysis attacks to crack encrypted passwords. So it only uses the weakness of system to crack password. GUI Interface of software is very simple and easy to use. But have availability limitation, tool only available for window based systems .

Site for Download:


Nrack is also a popular password-cracking tool for cracking network authentications. It supports various protocols including RDP, SSH, http(s), SMB, pop3(s), VNC, FTP, and telnet. It can perform different attacks including brute-forcing attacks. It supports various platforms including Linux, BSD, Windows and Mac OS X.

Download Ncrack from this link:


Translator: dRose98
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