What is DNS?


Moderasyon Tim Direktörü
18 Tem 2016
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
What is DNS?


Good day TurkHackTeam Today we will look at what DNS is and what it does.

Hello, today we will look at what is DNS. Let's start without getting too carried away. DNS is simply the Domain Name System. A system that converts ip addresses to domains. We can also make sense of the Internet as a system that serves to divide and the communication in it. Each of the servers that make up the internet network has only its own IP address. Since it is more difficult to remember these IP addresses, they have developed such a system. DNS servers keep internet servers in response to IP address. It turns names simply memorized by people into mixed IP addresses.


Now let's see how it works. First we need to set up a DNS system. In this, we need to put servers from many parts of the world and provide communication between these servers. This system, when you want to connect to a server over a domain, finds the connection with the domain and IP address within seconds and guides you. DNS consists of 4 basic sub-servers.

DNS cursor:

Servers, which we call DNS cursors, are our first layer in the DNS system. When you send a request to connect to the domain, it is greeted by the DNS cursor. Right after, he is questioned. If the query is successful, the next step is passed. If it fails, that classic error occurs.


Root server:
The domain name passing through the DNS cursor arrives at the root server and is queried there. It shows which servers the domain names are connected to and where it will direct us.

TLD server::
The TLD server is part of the root server, not separate. In these resolution steps, the domain name is fully converted to the HR address it represents. TLD queries for things like .com .org at the end of each site's domain name.

Thank you for reading this article until here. I wish you a good day.


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