What is a Keylogger?


Moderasyon Tim Lideri
7 Tem 2013
If you’ve stumbled upon this page, you most definitely found yourself asking the question “what is a keylogger?” Well simply put, a keylogger is a tool that is used to record the keystrokes someone makes as they use their computer. The dangerous implications of a keylogger are quite obvious, malicious hackers can use such tools to gather personal information and passwords and who knows what they might do with them! Don’t take the chance and make sure that you are protected from keyloggers and other similar forms of malware.

Typically these days, keyloggers are most often used in the form of software. For example, if someone wishes to record your keystrokes, they can use a software that will build a file that when opened, records the keystrokes of whoever opens it. This file can easily be disguised as something else and you can download one without even knowing! This is why it is extremely important to download only from reputable sources, and even then be careful and don’t download unnecessary files or files you are unfamiliar with.

Many of the keyloggers that are sold commercially have many practical values such as monitoring workers, monitoring kids or a spouse etc. However keylogging programs are extremely easy to write, which is what has led to wide spread abuse of them. Plenty of people are writing their own keyloggers with unique code which end up being invulnerable to several antivirus software and thus effectively invading your privacy. As our technological capabilities grow, so do the abilities of these keyloggers.

Over the past years these programs have grown from simply recording keystrokes, to also recording screenshots of your screen as well as stealing all saved passwords from your computer’s internet browsers. Although keyloggers are typically in software based forms these days, there ARE hardware based keyloggers which are physical attachments that someone can attach to a keyboard to record its keystrokes. These keyloggers are even more sneaky because there is hardly any way of detecting the keylogger within your PCs files.

If you do notice an odd attachment on your computer’s keyboard wire, then it is more than likely a physical keylogger like the one shown above. These types of keyloggers are very popularly used in internet cafes and other public establishments. It is best to check for these when you plan on using any sensitive information on a public computer. However, I wouldn’t recommend typing sensitive information in on any other computer except for your own, as there could be plenty of malware on that computer that can record your personal information.

The keylogger is a powerful security tool that has been greatly abused in today’s internet privy world. Be sure to always be alert for keyloggers in disguise, as far as malware goes it doesn’t get much worse than a keylogger. A person with your personal information has the potential to ruin your life. Remember all of the tips in this article and be sure to keep your antivirus and firewall up to date!

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