Aircrack-ng/Password Crackers/ Hacking Tool


Katılımcı Üye
8 Ocak 2017

What is Aircrack-ng?
Aircrack-ng is a network hacking tool that consists of a packet sniffer, detector, WPA/WPA2-PSK cracker, WEP and an analysis tool for for 802.11 wireless LANs. This tool works with wireless network interface controller whose driver supports raw monitoring mode and can sniff 802.11a, 802.11b and 802.11g traffic. A new attack called “PTW” made by a team at Darmstadt University of Technology which decreases the number of initialization vectors (IVs) needed to decrypt a WEP key has been included in the aircracl-ng suite since the 0.9 release.


Is Aircrack-ng Free?
This tool is free and you can find many tutorials about it on the internet like on how to install aircrack-ng (

Does Aircrack-ng Work on all Operating Systems?
This tool can run on various platforms like FreeBSD, OSX, Wubdows, OpenBSD and Linux. The Linux version of this tool is packaged for OpenWrt and been ported to Maemo, Zaurus and Android platforms; and a proof of concept port has been made to iPhones.

What are the Typical Uses for Aircrack-ng?
This tool focuses on areas of Wifi Security which includes monitoring which captures packets and export the data to text files for processing by 3rd party tools. Replaying attacks, fake access points, deauthentication by using packet injection. Tesing of wifi cards and driver capabilities via capture and injection and cracking of WPA and WPA PSK (WPA 1 and WPA 2).

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Uzman üye
27 Şub 2016
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3 Ara 2015
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