Arcade Mod [oyun Modu]


Kadim Üye
1 Ağu 2007

## MOD Title: Arcade / Activities MOD
## MOD Author: Napoleon <[email protected]> (Chris Moore)
## MOD Author, Secondary: defender-uk < [email protected] > (Andy Smith)
## MOD Description: Online Arcade/Activities Manager / Plug in games and other activities for your users.
## MOD Version: 2.1.2
## Based on the Original by Napoleon Activity Mod by (Chris Moore) - Consent Given for Re-Distribution.
## Installation Level: (Medium)
## Installation Time: 30 Minutes
## Files To Edit:    viewonline.php
##         constants.php
##         /admin/index.php
##         /includes/page_header.php
##         /templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl
##         /language/lang_english/lang_main.php
## Included Files:    activity.php
##         loader.php
##         newscore.php
##         arcade_rate.php
##         arcade_comment.php
##         arcade_highscore.php
##         arcade_modcp.php
##         pnFlashGames.php
##         /admin/admin_arcade.php
##         /admin/admin_arcade_set.php
##         /admin/admin_arcade_reset.php
##         /admin/admin_arcade_update.php
##         /games/donkeykong/donkeykong.swf
##         /games/donkeykong/donkeyknog.gif
##         /images/arrow_down.gif
##         /images/arrow_end.gif
##         /images/arrow_top.gif
##         /images/arrow_up.gif
##         /images/close.gif
##         /images/comment.gif
##         /images/comments.gif
##         /images/crown.gif
##         /images/favorite.gif
##         /images/games.gif
##         /images/icon_delete.gif
##         /images/icon_half_star.gif
##         /images/icon_star.gif
##         /images/moderate.gif
##         /images/new.gif
##         /images/play_again.gif
##         /images/rate.gif
##         /images/remove_favorite.gif
##         /images/trophy2.gif
##         /images/trophy3.gif
##         /images/trophy.gif
##         /includes/classes_arcade.php
##         /includes/constants_arcade.php
##         /includes/functions_arcade.php
##         /includes/functions_highscore.php
##         /language/lang_english/lang_arcade.php
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_cats.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_comment.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_game_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_games_edit_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_highscore_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_mod_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_rate_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_saved_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_scores.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_stats.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_stats_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/arcade_tour_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_cats_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_cats_edit_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_config_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_games_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_import_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_messages_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_switches_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_moderators_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_tournament_body.tpl
##         /templates/subSilver/images/game_info.gif
##         /templates/subSilver/images/games.gif
##         /templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_activity.gif
## Required for Rewards:
##         /includes/rewards_api.php
## For Security Purposes, Please Check: for the
## latest version of this MOD. Downloading this MOD from other sites could cause malicious code
## to enter into your phpBB Forum. As such, phpBB will not offer support for MOD's not offered
## in our MOD-Database, located at:
## Author Notes: This mod was made for version 2.0.6+ of phpBB.
##   If you are upgrading from v2.0.0 then follow the steps found in "Upgrading".
## Installation
## 1) Upload all files to their respective ********s in you main phpbb directory.
## 2) Edit all the files below.
## 3) Goto your ACP (Admin Control Panel) and click <UPDATE DB>
## Credits
##   - Napoleon      :: Original Version.
##   - Endoxus      :: subSilver Icon / Game button template.
##   - Q-zar       :: French Translation.
##   - mondi       :: General support.
##   - Scott Porter       :: gamelib Author.
##   - Whoo         :: Games and Cheat Fix
## MOD History:
##   2003-06-25 - Version 1.0.0
##   - First release.         
##   2003-12-?? - Version 2.0.0
##   - Cheat Fix.
##   - Division by Zero bug fixed.
##   - Added an installer / uninstaller / upgrader.
##   - Removed Allowance System support.
##   - Merged ina_score.php with newscore.php [ina_score.php now useless]
##   - Optimized admin_activity.php [activity_config_body2.tpl now useless]
##   - Optimized Game handling [added game.php, remove /games/gamename/gamename.php]
##       No longer have to edit game.php when adding a new game.
##   - Inserted new Move routines to move games up/down on game list.
##   - Added Repair button to fix game index.
##   - Added Pagination support.
##   - Added List limit to Highscores.
##   - Added Highscore Reverse List option.
##   - Added return link in activity_scores.tpl
##   - Added Info button & routines.
##   - New ACP.
##   - Optimized Points System support.
##   - Added Rewards API for Rewards routines. [Cash / Allowance]
##  2004/10/06 - Version 2.0.1
##   - Added Allow Guest Access.
##   - Added Take Game Offline.
##   - Added Default Image if No Game Image is Available.
##   - Added All Time HighScores
##  2004/17/07 - Version 2.0.4
##   - Made Fully EasyMod complient
##   - Merged add and edit game [add_game.tpl now useless]
##   - Added Activities Offline Function
##   - Added Cheat Mode off function.
##   - Fixed all template errors.
##   - Added Guest Text.
##   - Added Default game number (so that data can be pulled from another game)
##   - Added Java and Director game support.
##   - Changed scores tables to use user_id
##   - Added Better cheat mode.
##   - Fixed Zeros being entered in to the game window sizes.
##   - Added Extra fields to ACP Games menu so you can see more at a glance.
##   - Added Reset All Time High Scores data.
##  2004/19/08 - Version 2.0.6
##   - Added option to turn off AT Highscores
##   - Added option for default icon size
##   - Added user Stats
##   - Added pagination to ACP edit option.
##   - Added Catagories
##   - Added Search Function in Catagories Window
##   - Added advanced navigation bar.
##   - Added Support for RealMedia, Quicktime Media, Windows Media and Images.
##   - Added Extra Sort Mod options
##   - Added Extra cheat Mode support
##   - Added Automatic Score Save type.
##   - Added Automatic FLASH and IMAGE size on ADD
##   - Added Option to Use Auto Size on Loading pages.
##   - Added Icon Support from included functions.
##   - Updated all the templates to default names.
##   - Fixed Pagination
##   - Fixed Points Bonus
##   - Fixed Arcade Hash (bandwidth issue)
##   - Changes score tables to support decimal places.
##  2006/01/01 - Version 2.1.0
##   - Added Rating System
##   - Added pnFlashGames Support
##   - Added IBProArcade Support
##   - Added Comment System
##   - Added Monthly Highscore System (Thanks to PainKiller and CHris)
##   - Added Class Support (for reduced SQL Queries)
##   - Added FileSize on Main Page
##   - Added Category Info on 'All Games' Page
##   - Added More Stats displayed on Categories Page
##   - Added Top x Games & New Games/Worst Games on Categories AND Main Page's
##   - Added SEARCH Feature
##   - Added Last Played for Categories
##   - Added Number of Plays to Main Page
##   - Added Favourites System
##   - Added Private Message System
##   - Added More ACP Control over System
##   - Added Automatic Flash Size Reconision
##   - Added BAN System
##   - Added More Sort Options, plus Sort options now available in ACP
##   - Added Edit Games by Category and Move Games in Category.
##   - Added TOP Player Stat's
##   - Fixed NEWSCORE issues.
##   - Fixed Scores not displaying correctly
##   - Fixed Automated Import - Now FULLY Automated
##   - Fixed Pagination issues when sorting by non-default mode
##   - Moved Multiply called routines into either Functions or Classes
##   - Moved Constants into own arcade_constants.php file (users kept missing the changes)
##   Known Issues
##      Not fully EasyMod Complient - This might not be so in 2.1.2+
##      Upgrading from BETA versions causes DB issues
##   Awaitng Development
##      Moderators Control Panel (MCP)
##      Tournament Feature
##      vBulletin Games Support
## Before Adding This MOD To Your Forum, You Should Back Up All Files Related To This MOD

copy activity.php                      to activity.php
copy loader.php                         to loader.php
copy newscore.php                      to newscore.php
copy pnFlashGames.php            to pnFlashGames.php
copy admin/admin_arcade.php                to admin/admin_arcade.php
copy admin/admin_arcade_update.php            to admin/admin_arcade_update.php
copy admin/admin_arcade_set.php            to admin/admin_arcade_set.php
copy admin/admin_arcade_reset.php            to admin/admin_arcade_reset.php
copy games/donkeykong/donkeykong.gif            to games/donkeykong/donkeykong.gif
copy games/donkeykong/donkeykong.swf            to games/donkeykong/donkeykong.swf
copy images/arrow_down.gif                  to images/arrow_down.gif
copy images/arrow_up.gif                  to images/arrow_up.gif
copy images/icon_delete.gif                  to images/icon_delete.gif
copy images/trophy.gif                     to images/trophy.gif
copy images/arrow_end.gif         to images/arrow_end.gif
copy images/arrow_top.gif         to images/arrow_top.gif
copy images/close.gif            to images/close.gif
copy images/comment.gif            to images/comment.gif
copy images/comments.gif         to images/comments.gif
copy images/crown.gif            to images/crown.gif
copy images/favorite.gif         to images/favorite.gif
copy images/games.gif            to images/games.gif
copy images/icon_half_star.gif         to images/icon_half_star.gif
copy images/icon_star.gif         to images/icon_star.gif
copy images/moderate.gif         to images/moderate.gif
copy images/new.gif            to images/new.gif
copy images/play_again.gif         to images/play_again.gif
copy images/rate.gif            to images/rate.gif
copy images/remove_favorite.gif         to images/remove_favorite.gif
copy images/trophy2.gif            to images/trophy2.gif
copy images/trophy3.gif            to images/trophy3.gif
copy includes/rewards_api.php               to includes/rewards_api.php
copy includes/classes_arcade.php            to includes/classes_arcade.php
copy includes/constants_arcade.php            to includes/constants_arcade.php
copy includes/functions_arcade.php            to includes/functions_arcade.php
copy language/lang_english/lang_arcade.php      to language/lang_english/lang_arcade.php

copy templates/subSilver/arcade_body.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/arcade_cats.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_cats.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/arcade_game_body.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_game_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/arcade_mod_body.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_mod_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/arcade_scores.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_scores.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/arcade_saved_body.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_saved_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/arcade_stats.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_stats.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/arcade_stats_body.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_stats_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/arcade_tour_body.tpl      to templates/subSilver/arcade_tour_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_cats_body.tpl   to templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_cats_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_cats_edit_body.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_cats_edit_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_config_body.tpl   to templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_config_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_games_body.tpl   to templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_games_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_games_edit_body.tpl to templates/subSilver/arcade_games_edit_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_import_body.tpl   to templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_import_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_moderators_body.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_moderators_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_tournament_body.tpl to templates/subSilver/admin/arcade_tournament_body.tpl
copy templates/subSilver/images/game_info.gif      to templates/subSilver/images/game_info.gif
copy templates/subSilver/images/games.gif      to templates/subSilver/images/games.gif
copy templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_activity.gif   to templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_activity.gif

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
            case PAGE_FAQ:
               $******** = $lang['Viewing_FAQ'];
               $********_url = "faq.$phpEx";
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
            case PAGE_ACTIVITY:
               $******** = $lang['Activity'];
               $********_url = "activity.$phpEx";
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------

// Arcade Mod
include_once($phpbb_root_path . 'includes/constants_arcade.' . $phpEx);
// End Arcade Mod

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

   'U_GROUP_CP' => append_sid('groupcp.'.$phpEx),

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

   // Arcade MOD
   'U_ACTIVITY' => append_sid('activity.'.$phpEx),
   'L_ACTIVITY' => $lang['Activity'],

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
                  case PAGE_FAQ:
                     $******** = $lang['Viewing_FAQ'];
                     $********_url = "index.$phpEx?pane=right";
#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
                  case PAGE_ACTIVITY:
                     $******** = $lang['Activity'];
                     $********_url = "activity.$phpEx";
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------

<script LANGUAGE="Javascript">
var win = null;
function Gk_PopTart(mypage,myname,w,h,scroll)
  LeftPosition = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-w)/2 : 0;
  TopPosition = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-h)/2 : 0;
  settings = 'height='+h+',width='+w+',top='+TopPosition+',left='+LeftPosition+',scrollbars='+scroll+',resizable=yes';
  win =,myname,settings);

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

                  <td height="25" align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="mainmenu"> <a href="{U_PROFILE}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_profile.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_PROFILE}" hspace="3" />{L_PROFILE}</a>   <a href="{U_PRIVATEMSGS}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_message.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO}" hspace="3" />{PRIVATE_MESSAGE_INFO}</a>   <a href="{U_LOGIN_LOGOUT}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_login.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}" hspace="3" />{L_LOGIN_LOGOUT}</a> </span></td>

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

                  <td align="center" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="mainmenu"> 
                     <a href="{U_ACTIVITY}" class="mainmenu"><img src="templates/subSilver/images/icon_mini_activity.gif" width="12" height="13" border="0" alt="{L_ACTIVITY}" hspace="3" />{L_ACTIVITY}</a>   </span>

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

$lang['Notify_on_privmsg'] = 'Notify on new Private Message';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

$lang['Block_Arcade_pm'] = 'Block PM\'s from the Arcade';
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ BEFORE, ADD ]------------------------------------------

// Activity MOD
$lang['Activity'] = "Games";

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

   $notifypm = ( isset( $HTTP_POST_VARS['notifypm']) ) ? ( ( $HTTP_POST_VARS['notifypm'] ) ? TRUE : 0 ) : TRUE;

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

   $games_block_pm = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['games_block_pm']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['games_block_pm']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : TRUE;

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

, user_notify_pm = $notifypm,

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
games_block_pm = $games_block_pm,

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

   $notifypm = $this_userdata['user_notify_pm'];

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

   $games_block_pm = $this_userdata['games_block_pm'];

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

   $s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="notifypm" value="' . $notifypm . '" />';

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
   $s_hidden_fields .= '<input type="hidden" name="games_block_pm" value="' . $games_block_pm . '" />';

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

   'NOTIFY_PM_NO' => (!$notifypm) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

      'BLOCK_PM_YES' => ( $games_block_pm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
      'BLOCK_PM_NO' => ( !$games_block_pm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

      'L_NOTIFY_ON_PRIVMSG' => $lang['Notify_on_privmsg'],

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

      'L_BLOCK_ARCADE_PM' => $lang['Block_Arcade_pm'],

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

, &$viewemail, &$notifypm,

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

   $notifypm = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['notifypm']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['notifypm']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : TRUE;

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

   $games_block_pm = ( isset($HTTP_POST_VARS['games_block_pm']) ) ? ( ($HTTP_POST_VARS['games_block_pm']) ? TRUE : 0 ) : TRUE;

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

, user_notify_pm = $notifypm,

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
games_block_pm = $games_block_pm,
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

user_notify, user_notify_pm,

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

$notifyreply, $notifypm,

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

   $notifypm = $userdata['user_notify_pm'];

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

   $games_block_pm = $userdata['games_block_pm'];

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

$viewemail, $notifypm,

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

      'NOTIFY_PM_NO' => ( !$notifypm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

      'BLOCK_PM_YES' => ( $games_block_pm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
      'BLOCK_PM_NO' => ( !$games_block_pm ) ? 'checked="checked"' : '',
#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

      'L_NOTIFY_ON_PRIVMSG' => $lang['Notify_on_privmsg'],

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

      'L_BLOCK_ARCADE_PM' => $lang['Block_Arcade_pm'],

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

  <td class="row1"><span class="gen">{L_NOTIFY_ON_PRIVMSG}:</span></td>
  <td class="row2">
    <input type="radio" name="notifypm" value="1" {NOTIFY_PM_YES} />
    <span class="gen">{L_YES}</span>  
    <input type="radio" name="notifypm" value="0" {NOTIFY_PM_NO} />
    <span class="gen">{L_NO}</span></td>

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

  <td class="row1"><span class="gen">{L_BLOCK_ARCADE_PM}:</span></td>
  <td class="row2">
   <input type="radio" name="games_block_pm" value="1" {BLOCK_PM_YES} />
   <span class="gen">{L_YES}</span>  
   <input type="radio" name="games_block_pm" value="0" {BLOCK_PM_NO} />
   <span class="gen">{L_NO}</span></td>

#-----[ OPEN ]------------------------------------------


#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------

  <td class="row1"><span class="gen">{L_NOTIFY_ON_PRIVMSG}:</span></td>
  <td class="row2">
    <input type="radio" name="notifypm" value="1" {NOTIFY_PM_YES} />
    <span class="gen">{L_YES}</span>  
    <input type="radio" name="notifypm" value="0" {NOTIFY_PM_NO} />
    <span class="gen">{L_NO}</span></td>

#-----[ AFTER, ADD ]------------------------------------------

  <td class="row1"><span class="gen">{L_BLOCK_ARCADE_PM}:</span></td>
  <td class="row2">
   <input type="radio" name="games_block_pm" value="1" {BLOCK_PM_YES} />
   <span class="gen">{L_YES}</span>  
   <input type="radio" name="games_block_pm" value="0" {BLOCK_PM_NO} />
   <span class="gen">{L_NO}</span></td>

#-----[ SAVE/CLOSE ALL FILES ]------------------------------------------
Üst internet sitesi 5651 sayılı kanun’un 2. maddesinin 1. fıkrasının m) bendi ile aynı kanunun 5. maddesi kapsamında "Yer Sağlayıcı" konumundadır. İçerikler ön onay olmaksızın tamamen kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulmaktadır.; Yer sağlayıcı olarak, kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulan içeriği ya da hukuka aykırı paylaşımı kontrol etmekle ya da araştırmakla yükümlü değildir. Türkhackteam saldırı timleri Türk sitelerine hiçbir zararlı faaliyette bulunmaz. Türkhackteam üyelerinin yaptığı bireysel hack faaliyetlerinden Türkhackteam sorumlu değildir. Sitelerinize Türkhackteam ismi kullanılarak hack faaliyetinde bulunulursa, site-sunucu erişim loglarından bu faaliyeti gerçekleştiren ip adresini tespit edip diğer kanıtlarla birlikte savcılığa suç duyurusunda bulununuz.