Choosing The Best Hosting Technology For WordPress Sites


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21 Nis 2020


Welcome TurkHackTeam Members.
In This Topic, I Will Show You How To Find The Best Hosting Technology For WordPress Sites.


Subject Content

What is WordPress Hosting?

What is the Difference Between Normal Web Hosting and WordPress Hosting?

How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting?

How to Determine Your WordPress Hosting Needs?


What is WordPress Hosting?

Web hosting is where your website is hosted on the internet. You can think of WordPress hosting as a home where the files, images and content on your website are stored.

On the other hand, WordPress hosting is a web hosting designed to be used only with WordPress websites. That's why it's specially optimized to help your site load quickly and often includes other tools and features that make it easy to manage your WordPress site.



What is the Difference Between Normal Web Hosting and WordPress Hosting?

You can host your WordPress website on regular web hosting, such as shared hosting. The difference between the two hosting types is that WordPress servers fine-tune to deal with sites running on the WordPress platform.

WordPress hosting server features:

»Provides better speed and performance. Since there are more server resources, the performance (load time) is much better.

»Servers are specially configured to meet the demands of a WordPress site.

»Upgrading of servers happens more often and faster because the server is set up to deal with WordPress sites only.

»It contains increased PHP memory (PHP7).



How to Choose the Best WordPress Hosting?

The best way to choose hosting service for your website is through the following 5 important factors:

1. Speed
Server loading time should be below 300 ms.

2. Working Time
A reliable hosting service should have at least 99% availability.

3. Customer Services
It should allow you technical support for questions regarding WordPress.

4. Price/Benefit Ratio
Hosts offer very similar features, so none can cost 2X-3X more than each other. Free domain name, support, free SSL, CDN etc. features might affect choices.

5. Your Needs
Hosting service should have features due to the size of your business.



How to Determine Your WordPress Hosting Needs?

Since WordPress is a widely used CMS, you can find a variety of WordPress hosting services with a variety of hosting types and server configurations that cater to WordPress sites. But to understand which WordPress hosting plan will suit your needs, you need to know the different types.

Here are the top 5 web hosting options:

1. Shared WordPress Hosting

It is the most popular WordPress hosting type most used by beginners. Hosting services are offered through a large shared server. It is the best choice for small businesses and bloggers.

Most website owners start with a hosting service like shared hosting. It is generally one of the cheapest options and offers many resources to help beginners get started online. Using a shared hosting means your site will be on the same server hosting hundreds of other sites. Therefore, you will share the same server resources with many websites, but this will help you reduce your individual costs.

Shared hosting is a great option as it is very cheap. It also allows you to access some very powerful and useful hosting features. Shared plans are usually sold with "unlimited" bandwidth and storage.

A shared hosting gives you enough computing power so your site can handle thousands of visitors every day without a huge drop in performance. However, as your site grows and you have a large number of visitors visiting the site at the same time, you may want to upgrade your plan to a VPS, a dedicated server, or other managed solution. So when choosing a shared hosting, make sure you choose a hosting service that allows you to upgrade your service.


Because this will be easier than moving your entire site to a new server.

Shared hosting also provides you with a web-based interface like cPanel, so you can easily manage your server environment.

Manually installing WordPress is also not difficult, but you can install WordPress in just a few minutes with one click.


2. Managed WordPress Hosting

It is a type of WordPress hosting where the hosting is managed by a professional technical team. It is the best choice for established sites or bloggers who are not tech savvy and can afford the resulting costs.

If your site continues to grow in both size and traffic level, but you don't have the capacity, time, or skills to manage your own server environment, managed WordPress hosting might be the perfect solution for you. Managed WordPress hosting can be used for dedicated, VPS and cloud hosting plans.

If you don't have the skills to effectively manage and optimize your server environment, or if you do not have much time and want your site to grow, you can be a perfect fit for managed hosting.

Depending on the managed hosting you choose, you can access different levels of support, but you will usually find the following in your plan:

Software installations and automatic upgrades
Troubleshooting and routine maintenance
Server hardware repairs and regular server monitoring
Loading time
Regular monitoring, bug fixes, higher level of security features
One of the top reasons for choosing a managed WordPress hosting is that your issues can be dealt with quickly and effectively. The dedicated team behind you gets in-depth knowledge of WordPress and your server environment so your site can overcome problems quickly.


3. WordPress VPS Hosting

Virtual Private Server (VPS) can combine managed hosting privacy and control while using a shared server. It is the best choice for medium sized businesses and high traffic bloggers.

VPS is a great intermediate solution for sites that may exceed shared hosting but aren't large enough to need their own dedicated servers. The VPS server is still technically a shared server, but it works similar to a private server environment.

VPS hosting uses virtualization to make your server environment run separately from other sites on the server. This style of server will usually have fewer websites using the same physical server, and you will have more direct server access than a shared hosting account would provide.

There are some benefits of using a VPS setup over something like a shared hosting setup. For starters, you can have much more control over your server environment and have more server configuration options. A VPS will cost more than a shared hosting plan, but with this price increase you will have much more server power and overall flexibility. But there are also cheaper VPS options.

VPS is usually equipped with a control panel like WHM which will make server management and configuration easier.

Although you have more control over server settings in VPS, you do not have complete freedom. Nevertheless, you will encounter hardware limitations. However, if you don't need a very dedicated server setup, this option will probably be enough for you. Also, as a VPS requires more detailed server setup and configuration, you must have technical skills to maintain your own server. Your hosting support team can assist you with certain issues, but you will need to know some things about general maintenance.


4. Dedicated WordPress Hosting

It is a physical server that you can rent from the hosting provider for full control. It is the best choice for extremely high traffic sites and bloggers using system administrators.

Siteniz büyük bir trafik elde ederse, özel bir sunucuya yükseltmek yapmak isteyebilirsiniz. Ancak, bir VPS çözümü genellikle tüm web sitelerinin %98’i için yeterli olacaktır.

If your site gets great traffic, you may want to upgrade to a dedicated server. However, a VPS solution will usually be sufficient for 98% of all websites.

The biggest difference between shared VPS and dedicated hosting is that you have full control over your resources on the physical server.

Usually, if you need this level of hosting, you should have the ability to manage your own server or rent the service. Most private server providers will also offer you a custom solution for managing your server.


5. Free WordPress Hosting

There is also an option like free web hosting. But most free hosting put their own ads on your site. That's why we recommend that you a**** free WordPress hosting.

Though, if you still want a free hosting for your WordPress site, you can get help from Note that if you are committed to this option, your domain name will include the extension and you will have a domain name like ''. Even if you don't have the best domain name, you can get your site ready in just a few minutes.

If you're not sure you are ready to run your own site in a private domain, using this hosting option can be a great first step. The disadvantages of this type of hosting are that you don't have your own custom domain name and you can't do what you want to do with your site because of the limitations involved.

Unless you have a very high traffic website, we recommend starting with shared WordPress hosting or managed WordPress hosting.

When choosing the best WordPress web hosting, keep in mind that a good WordPress hosting company prioritizes making your site fast so that you can improve user experience, rank higher in search engines, and get more form conversions.

A bad WordPress hosting company can cause you to lose your visitors due to slow loading times and unreliable service.




Thanks for reading.
Take care...


Translator: Dolyetyus

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