Coronavirus Oriented New Cyber Attack Technics


Adanmış Üye
3 Tem 2016

Cyber Attacks Which Depends On Covid-19

Covid-19 caused to a sharp increase in cyber attacks worldwide. Cyber criminals take advantage of the current situation quickly and target hospitals, enterprises in the manufacturing and pharmaceutical industries, and even public authorities.

Attacks are multifarious and include:

Phishing for data access,
E-mail attachments which involves malware
Reference links to malware infected websites
Fake websites which look like Johns Hopkins University and WHO
Social engineering actions
Downloadable or simple spam e-mails


In fact, only in March of this year, organizations in various industries reported a 475% increase in malware attacks.

This dramatic increase in criminal cyber activity means companies must take preventive measures to protect their IT systems and improve cyber security regimes. In addition, rapid growth in home office workplaces (for example, 55% of companies in Germany turned employees into telework) expose organizations to new IT security and data protection risks.


Coronavirus Oriented Cyber Attacks

Undelivered goods: Online sellers claim that they have requested products such as cleaning, home, health and medical supplies. You order, but you can never receive your shipment. Anyone can shop online with almost any name, including scammers.

Fake medical equipment, face masks, hand sanitizers, tissues and ventilators are the focus of cybercriminals.

What to do: Check the online seller by searching for the person or company name, phone number and email address, and google them with words like "review", "complaint". If everything is checked, pay by credit card and keep a record of your transaction. If you're concerned about pricing products in your area, contact your area's consumer protection authorities.

Fake charities: When an important health event (such as coronavirus) occurs, you may be looking for ways to help. Scammers use the same events to take advantage of your openhandedness. Some scammers use names that are very similar to the names of real charities. This is a reason why you should do some researches before giving the money. Money lost to fake charities means less donation to help those in need.

Fake emails, texts and phishing: Swindlers uses fake emails or texts to enable you to share some valuable personal information such as your account numbers, ID number and passwords. They use your information to steal your money, identity, or both. They also use phishing emails to access your computer or network. If you click on a link, they can install ransomware or other programs that can lock your data. Swindlers often use familiar company names or behave like someone you know. Here is a real example of scam that phishers act like the World Health Organization (WHO).

A fake email has the logo of the World Health Organization:


And here's phishers show themselves as foundation and act like they started a new social support campaign:



Advices About How to Prevent These Kind of Cyber Attacks

How to Prevent Yourself?

Stop and take some time to leave with your money or personal information.

Think that if it's fake or not. It's ok to deny or ignore a request. They just want you to rush or panic.

Police or your bank never want you to withdraw your money or send it to another account.

Don't click everything on unexpected or suspect text and e-mails.

Confirm them by finding their number or e-mail address in original website.

Don't hesitate to go to your bank if you think you've been tricked.

Make sure that you're using up-to-date softwares, applications, and operating systems in you phone, tablets, or laptops to be safe in online.​

Translator: R4V3N
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