Don't expect to see Half Life 3 at E3


Kıdemli Üye
21 Nis 2015



The company said that it isn't taking meetings for upcoming products like the HTC Vive, and Valve isn't advertised for the event's first dedicated PC gaming show.

The PC gaming show will feature presentations from Dean Hall and Cliff Bleszinski, as well as AMD, Blizzard, Tripwire Interactive, Bohemia Interactive, Paradox and more.

The event is being sponsored by AMD, PC Gamer, Bohemia, Twitch, Tripwire and Digital Storm.

It will be held at the Belasco Theater on June 16, with a livestream on Twitch for those who won't be able to attend in person.

Attendees and viewers will be given a look at where the PC games industry is heading, including perspectives and presentations from 'major' personalities in PC gaming.


Valve, on the other hand, has just announced launch dates for the first wave of Steam Machines, the Steam Controller and Steam Link.

Steam Controllers feature dual trackpads, HD haptic feedback, dual-stage triggers and back grip buttons.

The controller is fully customisable, and will even let users download, create and share control schemes with the Steam community.

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