GTA V PC Mods Not Working After Latest Update


Kıdemli Üye
21 Nis 2015


Have you updated your copy of GTA V to the latest version only to find your mods not working? It seems that's the case according to users on the website This comes after the passionate blog post from Rockstar saying it is not against mods. So what gives?

The reports of mods not working started just a few hours after the Ill-Gotten Gains Part 1 DLC was released. User Alexander Blade says that he "Got the patch, native hashes are changed, drm code protection is applied to lots of script related functions, including natives itself." This means that Rockstar has changed up its code, forcing pre-existing mods to stop working.

Not to fear, though. The people who make mods know what they are doing, and all of your favorites will be updated soon enough to work around these new roadblocks. User Alexander Blade also reminds gamers to back up their files until the inevitable ScriptHookV update.

All of this comes after Rockstar wrote a passionate blog post regarding the future of mods for GTA V. Many users have reported being banned from GTA Online for mod usage, while others are unsure to install mods in the first place so as to not be banned.

If it's so cool with players making mods, why not make it a bit easier for them? I completely understand Rockstar's decision to want to protect GTA Online from modders to ensure a level playing field for everyone. Punishing single-player gamers with these code updates just seems unnecessary.

Perhaps I'm just ignorant to the process that Rockstar uses to make these DLC updates. For all I know, it legitimately don't intend for any of these updates to interfere with ScriptHookV. The mention from Alexander Blade of DRM being applied to script functions doesn't sit well, however.

What do you think? Are you upset that Rockstar keeps stomping out mods? Do you think this is on purpose, or do you believe that Rockstar really doesn't intend to interfere with mods? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
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