How can I get current proxy?

Üzgünüz bu konu cevaplar için kapatılmıştır...


19 Tem 2011
There is an tactic i was used last days. Collecting current proxy it was be exhausting job for me. İ realized that some programmes are doing
this for me. ( İ'm not talking about AcoountReaper. You will be waiting the test event. İts boring a lot.)

1. Method (Modded WebSiteHit)

When you install and clicked on "Germany Flag" you can save the program data for the collected proxies.

2. Method (Account Reaper)

Lets open the Acoount Reaper programme and came from the upper part to the proxies. Click it on "Find Proxies Online". When the process done
there will be anything. After that click it "Text Proxies" on the upper part. You can see process on the underside. You dont have to wait for
this. Because it will take time. After some waiting you can click "Cancel". ( You can wait a lot moment after clicked it.)

3. Method (ProxyShark)

When you open the programme proxy capture process will be already started. İt will end about 500 proxy. Wait until the upload image is gone and
click it start proxy checker. After finished this click it "Remove Duplicate". ( Remove the copy.) And click save. Process will be and after this

~ ProxyShark ~

( İ dont have any idea about why virüstotel made it so noise. You can use if you want.)

-Download Link-




Translator: Xowly
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