How Can İ Get Domain and What Are The Prices?


19 Tem 2011

How to Buy a Domain?

Domain: Domain Name

Sub Domain: Subdomain Name

Host: Where the Web page is published or the email service is received

DNS (Domain Name Service or Domain Name Server): Publication of the domain name

Dns Record (Log): The information about broadcast server

-The İmportant İssues Abaout DNS Selection-

Firstly its too important to select your domain. You should select short domains. But the getting ".com" domain is making difficult to find new domains.

Have a ".com" Extension: ".com" domains are standart now. So you should prefere ".com" domains. The ".com" domains are takes more space in the human mind. But ".net" can be receivable for orginazitions, associations.

The domain name must be clear: The shortening domains are prefering hardly ever. CİA is the populer in the world so its ideal "". But for the less its cant be.

The domain name must be explain site: İt is nesessary to explain site name.

The domain name must be global: İt is important to be global. Example; ,

-Sub Domain-

The domain name can be make sense for subdomain. İt is not have to be explain the domain name. İt can be explain subdomain. Firstly lets learn "What is it mean subdomain?".

Subdomains are added to the beginning of the domain and are the periodical domain. Example you have got an domain like "". You can add it new domains with subdomains. Example you can add subdomains like "bakirkö", "". The "www" is an subdomain for every page. The "www" is an subdomain because its internet jargon. So its making orientation.

-Where is domain taken?-

There are so many page for getting domain name. The feature is important for this. We are making select our domain page for this. The users takes domain generally for a year. İt can be more like 2-3. İt will be different for price. İf there wont an price for domain, domain will be end.

-Getting Turk Domain-

For Turkey this is making in "". İ mean its like,, domains for "Turkish Domains". For Turkish domains there are so many rule. İt can be an example: İf you want to get "" domain you should have this expression. Like it can be download name for "". Shortly, The ODTÜ wants phrase to be taken in the name of the company.

-Special Domains-

The new domains are making in speacial companies (like .tv). There are so many company for getting ".com, .net., .org, .info" domains. İt is an example for Turkey; "" and world; "". There are so many others but they have so many problem like legal usage.

-What Should Be Considered When Taking Domain-

There are so many important point to this process. They wants an user for you. You have to create an user with unforgetten password and username. For this user you should have acces with all allowings. İn the same time you should have the domain DNS. Shortly the informations are you should know about domain like this:

1 - The username and password you have defined,

2 - The mail adress you have defined for user,

3 - DNS Setting,

For domain if you lose these informations, you can't do domain process. Shortly it will be end.

-How Can İ Get Domain?-

İf you know English, you can get from; "", if you dont you can get from this page; "". İn this topic i will be explain the getting domain from "".

Firstly select the option you want and select domain you want. İt will be offering options to you after checking. İn this screen select the domain period you want. After that make an user or login with your user.

İf you are using this firslty, you should determine another. The important part is the email access. After that you should pay fee for this and you will be have an domain.



Translator: Xowly

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