Target (512-513-514) Leak from the Port! // Xowly


Katılımcı Üye
17 Haz 2019
Target (512-513-514) Infıltrate From the Port // Xowly

Hello, TürkHackTeam family continues our series of infiltration through the port. This topic "Target (512-513-514) Infıltrate from the Port!" I'm going to show you.
Let's look at the topic headings menu.

Subject Headings
• 512-513-514 Portları Nedir?
• rsh-client Nedir?
• Hedefe 512-513-514. Portlar'dan Sızmak

What are 512-513-514 Ports?

These ports are configured to allow remote connection. To take advantage of these ports, "rsh-client" must be installed.


What is the rsh-client?

Remote Shell. With this Shell, we provide remote access with the information in the file .rhost on the server.

Now let's see in practice.


Target 512-513-514. Infiltrating Ports

First of all, let's learn the IP address of our machine. Type


Now that we have the IP address, let's perform a scan in zenmap. Back to the top


As you can see, the ports 512-513-514 are open. Now I assume that rsh-client is not installed and I start with the installation. Let's write
 sudo apt-get install rsh-client
to the terminal.


The installation will be finished soon, friends. Next, open a new window and type
 rhost -l root IP_Address
When you type it you will have to wait for 10 seconds to log in.


And as you can see, we have logged in to root . Now, whether you want to pull files or change user passwords :))

Here, it is the same on three ports friends he did not write here one by one.


This was the my procress, friends, and see you when discuss another matter.

Writer:"P4RS Translator: Xowly
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