The Feeling of Trust


Adanmış Üye
3 Tem 2016

People have been looking for people who can help each other, listen to their troubles and trust since they first came to the world. Sometimes this search is a very good choice but it might be a very wrong one as well. We shouldn't trust every person we met. Time to trust a person varies from person to person. While we trust a person, we pay attention to his movements, speech, and gestures. If these movements are positive, we can understand that we can trust him. If these are negative, we think like "there is something wrong about this man, i should get away from him". Feeling of trust is involuntary and develops according to the person's actions.



How to Earn Someone's Trust?

Feeling of trust isn't something happening in a a single sight. It has to pass a certain time. This period can also be 1 week or even 1 month, it is completely up to the person. So, how can we earn someone's trust?

Tell them about yourself

You must meet the person first. After meeting, he doesn't immediately give you secrets or help. We must tell him about ourselves (such as your hobbies, what you like or not). After you tell them about yourself, he'll start to tell you what he likes or not or vice versa. If we let the other person explain first, we might have some more advantages.

Spend sime time with them

Spend some time together to earn him trust. Your work would be a bit easier if you're already in the same environment (school, workplace, etc.). For example; walk outside, watch movies, play games together, have a dinner, etc. Gradually you start to earn his trust, and he starts to earn your trust. Don't even forget this, the feeling of trust is mutual. Let's say you broke his trust, does the person still wanna talk to you?
Of course not. Let's say the same situation happened to you, would you talk to him?
Of course not.

Share some little secrets

You can tell him a little secret. Secret telling is one of the biggest indicators of trust. Maybe he can tell you a little secret as well. If you don't fully trust this person, lie while telling a secret. Yeah, lie. If you suspect that he may spread your secret, tell him a false secret as if it were a lived memory. If he spreads the secret, he is both unreliable and not a true person. Suppose it was the opposite and didn't tell the false secret to anyone. You can trust that person and you can understand that he is the right person.



How long does it take to earn someone's trust?

The duration of earning trust varies from person to person. The more time you spend and chat with the person, the sooner you can trust each other. For example:
Let's say you bought a new bird for your home. It's likely that it'll bite your finger when you go to the bird and stretch your finger. If you take care of the bird for a few weeks, the bird will notice the interest and slowly begin to trust you. We can understand if the bird started to trust you like this.
When you stretched your finger, if it wanted you to bend his head instead of biting that means it trusted you. If you don't care about it at all, it can still bite after 1 month.
From this example we can deduce that the more we show interest, the sooner we earn trust.


How to lose someone's trust?

So how do we lose a person's feeling of trust? As a result of actions such as not listening to him while speaking with the person, speaking without empathy, interrupting, speaking words that the person will be offended, mocking the person (his appearance, disease, emotions, etc.) spreading his secret to everyone, talking after him; it begins to cool down from you and eventually loses him trust, making you completely like two strangers. That person tells everywhere how a bad person you are. This is a terrible situation for you because you may not have a new friend or someone may not trust you because you shared someone's secrets.


How to re-earn someone's trust?

First empathize and think. If you are the guilty one, contact the person. Tell him that you are guilty and apologize sincerely. Try to forgive yourself after you apologize. Tell him that you can do whatever he want. It's up to him to forgive you or not. If he doesn't agree to forgive you, don't give up and try to chat until you're forgiven.


Importance of trust in relationships

A relationship must be built with trust. Otherwise, that relationship may not be a healthy relationship. Two sides must be honest, supportive, communicate effectively and transparent to each other. These concepts develop a feeling of trust in relationships. If these concepts don't exist in a relationship, that relationship isn't a healthy relationship.


What to do for trust?

Be honest

You should always be honest if you wanna earn someone's trust. And it must be mutual.

Keep a secret

One of the biggest sign of trust is keeping secret. You have to be a good secret keeper. This is definitely crack top5 for not to lose someone's trust.

Be transparent

Always be transparent. Tell him what happened today or share your bother with him if you have. That will lead him to be transparent as well.

Be a good listener

If you don't listen him while he was sharing his bother with you, that may lead losing him trust. To a**** it, you must pay him attention fully.


The feeling of trust in intelligence

Trust is the most important thing in intelligence. The reason for this is that the intelligence is something happening in hidden. Nobody knows what he does, nobody knows what he gets. Wrong choices can result in information leaking. Therefore, it consists of reliable people who can really be hidden in intelligence.



Translator: R4V3N
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