The Safest Mail Services


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21 Nis 2020
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Here Is A List Of The Safest Mail Services




I'll begin with Tutanota. Because I usually use this service and also in the original turkish content writer begins with Tutanota.
Tutanota is the world's first end-to-end encrypted mail service that encrypts the entire mailbox. Tutanota, which started before the Snowden spills in 2011, has millions of users. With its unique open source technology, Tutanota fights for privacy and freedom of speech online; Allows anyone, including NGOs, journalists, and activists, to send encrypted emails to desktop and mobile devices. In addition, Tutanota's affordable business version allows companies and organizations of all sizes to easily secure email communication. However Tutanota is not completely free. It includes paid services for people and businesses as well. Yet you can choose the free service.




Honestly, Once I was using ProtonMail. But then I switched to Tutanota, without knowing why. But this does not mean ProtonMail is bad, contrarily it is one of the best mail services.
There is security with end-to-end encryption for all e-mails. Therefore, encrypted emails cannot be shared with third parties. No IP logs are kept that can be linked to the account what means it's almost anonymous. Also Protonmail is open sourced and basic user accounts are free. Access is possible on any device. The inbox is pretty plain. The focus is on fast reading, editing and sending. No problem if you do not trust the country's data security and neutrality policy. It's Swiss and all servers are located 1000 meters below ground in Switzerland. If you know Switzerland, you know :). Also it has no ads. There is no ad display related to your correspondence as in Gmail. Protonmail can set a special password for non-protonmail users, allowing the other party to view the content. This is not mandatory, but a security enhancer.




Belgium-based Mailfence offers 500 MB of free storage. The Professional package of the company, which offers three different packages, has an apacity of 20 GB. So there is not much information about this mail service. Though you can find Mailfence's official website at the end of the page.




Hushmail is an encrypted private web-based email service that offers PGP encrypted email and custom domain name service.
Hushmail uses OpenPGP standards. Hushmail can forward authenticated, encrypted messages in either direction if there are common encryption keys for both the sender and the receiver. The same situation with Tutanota appears here again. Hushmail is not completely free nevertheless it allows you a free trial.



Official Sites Of Mail Services:



Translated and edited from:
Translator and Editor: Dolyetyus

(Please correct me if I wrote something wrong)
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