The Winning Power of Fighters : Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles


Uzman üye
9 Tem 2013
Hello friends, I am ByFelez. In this topic, we will talk about the Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles that have been Successful with the Large Investments made in Turkey in recent Years and are in the Concept of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. In this context, we will focus mainly on the Development and Success of Turkey. Have fun reading :)


Let's take a look at these machines
The attack, which has passed into history and can be called the first SIHA attack, was carried out by the Austrian Empire on Venice in 1849.
The bombs, which were attached to hot air balloons by the Austrians, were intended to explode in the city.
Although some of the bombs were on target, some of them fell on the Austrian soldiers under the influence of the wind.
With the developing technology, UAVs have become widespread. Especially in the 2000s, UAVs that do not need an airstrip like fighter jets, can stay in the air longer and can carry heavier bombs than older models have been developed.


Why are UAVs preferred?

There are several reasons why militaries prefer UAVs. One of them is the reduction of pilot losses in battles.

The UAVs are controlled by operator pilots from a command center. Pilots, who watch images from various sensors such as thermal sensors on the cameras on the aircraft and the screens in the control center, can direct the aircraft and fly over the desired region and attack with a single button.

Since the pilot is not on the plane, drones can be sent to areas where there is a risk of being shot down more easily, and there is no risk of death, injury or capture if the pilot falls.


In the 1990s, the first unmanned aerial vehicles that Turkey added to its inventory were the Israeli-made Heron and the US-made GNAT models.

In the 2000s, Turkey accelerated the process of developing its own UAVs after the U.S. Congress refused to allow the sale of Predator and Repaer UAVs, which are advanced versions of the Turkish Grand National Assembly, to Turkey.

Among the domestic UAVs used in Turkey today are Anka and Bayraktar.

Bayraktar's manufacturer, Baykar, announced in 2015 that the UAV had the capacity to carry 250 kilograms of ammunition.

The other domestic UAV in the inventory, the Anka, did not have the capacity to carry weapons as of 2016. In 2017, a rocket was added to the Anka, which is used for observation purposes, for the first time.

Bayraktar and Anka can be used anywhere within the coverage area of TÜRKSAT satellites.

Developed by Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. (TAI), Anka can carry weapons up to 200 kilograms.

Both UAVs use rockets developed by Roketsan.
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